View Profile Idiot-Finder
I want the funky chicken.

Age 37, Male


some boring ass school

New York,NY

Joined on 8/29/02

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Idiot-Finder's News

Posted by Idiot-Finder - January 30th, 2013

One night, a reporter came to Alex Rodriguez and said, "Alex, now that you finally got that monkey off your back, especially with the way the year have started with the relevation in regards to steroids, how does it feel to have finally been part of a World Series winning team?"

Alex smiles and said, "It's been great, in fact I couldn't think up a word to describe it...I can't wait to get that ring but right now I got to bask in the glow of victory,"

"After proving the doubters wrong, what are you going to say to them?" the reporter asked.

The Yankees third baseman chuckled and said, "I would say this, 'You think I couldn't do it? How do you like me now?', something like that."

"What do you think will happen in the future?"

"There are few things for certain, I will have several more healthy years ahead me and more importantly, my association with a steroid dealer won't come back to haunt me in the future, I mean...what are the odds of that?"

Oh A-Rod, if only...if only...

Meanwhile in Miami, Florida, a morbidly obese gorilla was strapped to a harness before being hooked to a crane in order for it to be removed from the sidewalk. A bunch of reporters, police officers, and construction workers looks on as one of them picks up his walkie talkie and said, "Okay Pooz, it's ready!"

The crane slowly lift the gorilla off the sidewalk, revealing a squashed human remains plastered to the ground as the smell indicates that it have been here for a while...the gorilla feces certainly doesn't either. One of the reporters sighed and said, "Poor man, even after his retirement, he still couldn't get that monkey off his back...what a shame, a massive shame indeed, really sucks to be him."

One of the police officer walks to the chief and said, "What now?"

"Well, once the gorilla is safely moved to the cage, we'll begin scraping off Dan Marino's remains!"

Posted by Idiot-Finder - November 12th, 2012

"T-that idiot...he wouldn't listen and now he's dead!" he sobbed.

"Jay, calm down, it is a miracle that you've survived the collision with that tanker truck, but none of use but you have no idea what happened, are you saying that your student Katz was looking to drive through a detour?" asked Amuro.

Jay nodded and said, "That stupid kid, he drove like a maniac and told me off everytime I tried to stop him!"

Amuro signed and said, "I'm not surprised, I've always figure something like that would happen."

As he walks out of the hospital, he turn and see Hayato comforting Frau and decided that it's best not to tell them that Katz was responsible for his own death.


"You stupid kid, do you really think that you can pick a fight with us and win?" one of the thugs spat before driiving away with their motorcycles.

The couple would walk down the park an hour later when to their horror, a bloodied teenager slumped against the gate with a sign hung around his neck, "WHAT HAPPENS IF GIRLS MESS WITH THE" in which the last word was blurred out as it was written with his blood.

Posted by Idiot-Finder - October 29th, 2012

Note: Takes place after the invasion...

A bunch of retroviruses were dancing to a song the body listening to when one came in said, "Hey guys, what are you listening to?"

"I don't know, something about a funky town but it is pretty catchy!" one of the viruses said.

"Hey, how is your slave?" the other asked.

The virus grinned and said, "It was awesome, check this out...hey, come over here!"

A white blood cell comes over and said, "Goshujinsama..."

"Wow, that's amaz-wait a minute...what the heck is 'goshujinsama'?" his friend asked.

The virus chuckled and said, "To tell you the truth, I have no idea either, you see...we were at the upper level with two massive windows to outside and this body was watching a show and this person has a slave who calls him 'goshujinsama' and so I taught the cell that word as you know why...because that thing is my slave in case you don't get what I'm saying."

The other viruses looked at each other and one of them said, "We should do the same thing to our captives!"

"Great idea!"

"After that, I 'll have mine give me head!"

Then everyone stopped and looked down on one of the virus...

"What do you mean by 'give me head'?"

"Yeah, more importantly, what's head?"

Posted by Idiot-Finder - October 24th, 2012

One day, I went to Game Stop and rented a latest sports game called, "Major League Umpires 2012" with a tagline written "Blowing one call at a time!"

I thought it looked interesting so I decided to give it a try.

Well, the game started off with a intro in which an umpire was show lowing a call on first base and soon, the manager came and argued the call only to get thrown out in the end. Then the menu appears and I chose "Start" in which it led to the selection screen with three umpires and six that are still unlocked.

I had to decide between Angel Hernandez, Jerry Meals, and C.B. Bucknor.

I chose Hernandez and then the game begins.

There's a selection box in which I have three technique to choose from, kinda like Pokemon. The techniques are "Shrinking strike zone", "Randomly changing strike zone", and "German surplex".

I chose the German surplex and then Hernandez used a wrestling move on the batter, afterward the umpire got thrown out and it was game over...so I had to start over.

I start off with "Randomly changing strike zone" and I learned that for balls and strikes each calls missed, I get five points. For the calls that were done accurately, two points were deducted. By the end of the inning, I scored 33 points and for the next, scored 27 points, the next...41 points. However, it didn't become exciting until the part where the runner ran to the home plate and I was given 5 seconds to make a call.

"Out or Safe?"

I chose "Out" and got it wrong, bagging me a whopping 20 points!

Then the manager came out from the dugout and "CHALLENGE!" appears in the screen. The whole thing turns into something out of Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter as the umpire and the manager where about to square off.


The manager fires an energy blast and I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to do because I didn't bother to read the instructions...so I start mashing the buttons and the umpire's HP started to run low from all the hits he took. I was pressing random buttons on the controller and by a sheer stroke of luck, I unlocked a special technique where the umpire teleports and appears right behind the manager before grabbing him from behind in full nelson and jumped into the air, out of the screen where they would disappear for few seconds before slamming head first to the ground. It took out much of the HP from the manager's health bar and with a series of slight jabs, I was able to win the first round.

Then came round two...

Because I unlocked the special move by mistake, I didn't know what I was supposed to do and so...I got creamed. On the third round, I tried to use the only move I know which is jab and was able to take out quarter of the manager's HP from the health bar, but you can guess how that worked out in the end. It didn't go well in the fourth round either and then not long afterward, it was game over.

I became frustrated and gave up for the day.

The next day I gave the game another shot and made sure to read the instructions carefully, after that I knew what I'm supposed to do. I chose C.B. Bucknor and went with the "shrinking strike zone" technique which shrunk the strike zone to the probable size of Barry Bonds' testicles. It took about an hour before the first inning finally came to an end in which I scored 520 points!

However, I wasn't able to get the runner scoring call wrong which factored in the long inning as well, oh well. By the fifth inning, I scored nearly three thousand points and I finally got the call at the plate wrong and then the manager came out for a challenge. I quickly press the buttons in the right sequence and then the umpire starts pelting the manager with flurry of rapid fisticuffs, slowly taking down the poor man's health bar until it was nearly empty. I was able to finish him off with a powerful kick and that was the end of round one (surprised that he didn't explode into a bloody mess though). In the second round, I unlocked another secret technique where the umpire fires a massive energy blast which wiped out only half of the manager's health...lame but that's what happened. In the end I was able to finish off just as easily. The third round was as anticlimactic as I took him down the same way I did in the first round so in the end, I was able to finish him off rather easily and the message came up,


With the manager thrown out of the game, I scored one hundred points.

Once the game ends, I finished with over seven thousand points which would have been enough to unlock a new umpire (which requires at least 5,000 points for each of the first three)...had not been for the fact that I played the game in the easy mode...

In easy mode, I can screw both teams over which is much easier to get points that way.

Moderate mode is where I'm supposed to screw one team and help the other and for the hard mode? It's still unlocked since I have yet to beat the moderate mode, but I will get there one day. Right now, I'm not exactly in the mood to play the game again, I felt a bit burnt out so I'll need a time to recover but I will get to the hard mode one day.

I wonder if Jeff Nelson is one of the unlocked umps...

Posted by Idiot-Finder - September 9th, 2012

Two swans were on the ground in a puddle of their own blood after being bludgeoned to death by a pair of baseball bat wielding thugs. One of them, Richard looked down and said, "What do you think?"

His friend Michael said, "Two dead birds lying in the turd!"

The two thugs laughed as they proceed to urinate on the dead swans.

What Michael and Richard didn't realize is that they won't get away from the actions they have made as nature made sure of it.

Few days after the swan beating incident which was covered by the news (resulting in the few NYPD officers what weren't busy attacking the OWS protesters apprehending the wrong suspects), leading to a massive media frenzy, Michael was sitting outside enjoying his bowl of oatmeal. But then a a red-tailed hawk known as "Pale Male" came down and snatched away his favorite Dallas Cowboys cap he won at the raffle. As Michael went to chase the red-tailed hawk, the bird suddenly let go and drops the cap into the middle of the street. Michael ran to retrieve the cap when a SUV came by with the driver yelling, "Move out of the way you jackass!"

After retrieving his cap, Michael returned to finish his bowl of oatmeal. However, what Michael didn't realize was that his orange tabby cat named "Flozell" mistook the bowl for a litter box. Because Michael happened to have a health condition which caused to be unable to taste, he didn't notice what he was eating and went on to finish the bowl, even licking the bottom before putting it back into the cabinet without washing it (a bad habit of Michael's as his parents would try to disipline him but in the end they gave up because there's no use).

Few days later, Michael got sick and would slowly waste away day by day for the next few months, reducing him into nothing but a skin-covered skeleton muttering the same two words over and over...


Meanwhile in Boston, Richard who have moved away shortly before Michael's illness was at high school when his friend's death happened. As Richard was busy extorting his high school classmates for their lunch money, he unsuspectingly attempted to mug a person who happened to be an amateur boxer coming for a visit of his old school. After some broken ribs, blackened left eye, broken nose, and damaged pelvis, Richard would no longer try to extort money from other people ever again.

However, the lesson was far from over...

A year later, Richard was playing basketball at the nearby park when he noticed a group of junior high school students playing tennis. With a smug grin on his face, Richard went to do what he does best, being a dick to anyone he believed are below him. He figured that maybe he should have a little fun by introducing them to his version of "streetball" by chucking a basketball at a young girl from behind, knocking her over. Instead of kneeling over and cry like he was expecting her to, the girl got up and said, "What the heck is your problem?" before giving him a strong shove.

Surprised by the force of the shove the girl gave him, Richard became angry and said, "Yo bitch, do you realize who you're messin' with?"

"I don't care if you're the next LeBron James, you have no right to do that!"

Annoyed at how the girl talked back at him, Richard was ready to punch her when someone grabbed him full nelson and said, "If you're going to mess with my little sister, you have another think coming bro!"

Then the girl's brother proceed to perform the German surplex on Richard, resulting in severe injuries to his upper body, especially his head. It would take Richard a month to recover as he wasn't allowed to move for the first week as a safety precaution.

One year later, after being expelled from the school for committing a despicable crime of claiming that "Jim Phelps" from the "Mission: Impossible" movie was the same Jim Phelps from the original television series just so he could see how the teachers and the principal would react, the former high school student wandered all over the city when he came across a group of people holding picket signs with messages that includes, "GOD HATES FAGS!", "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS!", and "KOBE IS BETTER THAN MICHAEL JORDAN!"

Fascinated by the signs, Richard went to one of the members of the picketers and said, "Hey, what is this about?"

"We are the members of the Westboro Baptist Church fighting against the evils that have been plaguing this country for centuries!"

"The evils we have been battling against are fags! Those abominations have taken control of this country, there's no hope and one day God will smite them all along with those who doesn't hate them irrationally!"

With his interest at it's peak, Richard then asked, "Where do I sign up to join?"

Suddenly, the crowd began to part as an elderly man with a cowboy hat started to walk toward Richard with a smile and said, "Hello, my name is Fred Phelps, the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church." as he held out his hand.

Richard quickly shook his hand and everyone cheered.

"Okay now, before you become a full member, there's one thing you have to do," said Phelps.

"What's that?" said Richard.

Phelps then takes out a small bird from his pocket and said, "What you need to do is to kill this thing..."

Richard was stunned, after all when it comes to a catch, he never thought it would be so easy. His last few years have been tough on him, but now it seems that everything's being handed to him on a silver platter. Life couldn't be getting any better than this for Richard and for a brief moment, he started to think about Michael. Whatever happened to Michael and why hadn't he contact him for years? But then he shrugged and figured that maybe Michael didn't have the time to send a letter or something because he was too busy. All Richard knew is that had his friend been with him, he would have been estatic since not many people get to have a chance to do what he was going to do under the approval of a large group of people.

Richard was ready to stab the bird with his switchblade when he started to notice something strange. His view became distorted and next thing the thug knew, he found himself sitting in a courtroom filled with anamorphic birds. The thug couldn't believe what he was seeing, a room full of human sized birds...what in the world is going on here? Could it be a bad dream? Sure that it was a dream, Richard pinched himself to no avail, causing him to believe that the pain wasn't enough to wake him up so he took out a switchblade and stabbed himself in the thigh.


"Silence!" someone squawked.

To his horror, Richard finally realize it's not a dream...he's being tried by a bunch of birds!

The thug looked around to see if it's a trick only to be disappointed and surprised that there wasn't a raccoon accompanying a blue jay for some reason...

"Richard Barr, you are hearby charged for your vicious crimes committed with your friend, Michael Adams, how do you plead?" a falcon squawked.

Richard stood up despite the pain in his leg and yelled, "What the fuck is this? I didn't do nothing wrong and what kind of prank your leader Fred Phelps is pulling? Those costumes are creepy as hell and not only that, h-"

A bald eagle cuts in and said, "You're right, it is a trick...we disguised ourselves as the human group we believe would attract you so we would be able to confirm that you were Michael's accomplice in these heinous crimes that were committed."

Then a goose added, "Also, we're working together because in this particular time, we are united, don't you remember your people's motto? United we stand and divided we fall...although you humans have been divided for quite a while."

Richard tried to say something, but he wasn't able to think of anything to say. Then he realized something...something had indeed happened to Michael!

"Wait, about Michael...what did you guys do to him?" he demanded.

"Your friend have been staying quiet for a while, in the Cypress Hills Cemetary," answered the eagle.

"NO!" Richard screamed.

Several birds including his assigned lawyer (who hated his job) had to restrain him until he stops struggling.

"Son, your friend got what he deserved, we're giving you a chance to redeem yourself but this depends on whether if you have a remorse for what you have done." the eagle said.

Richard looked up at the eagle in extreme hatred and said, "You bastards...you killed him...YOU KILLED HIM!"

He continued to struggle to the point of exhaustion and then the eagle said, "This isn't remorse for the birds you helped killed, this is a remorse for your friend who brought you down...don't make the same mistake he made!"

"FUCK YOU!" Richard screamed.

"We're willing to give you a chance and this is our final offer, turn this down then there is no turning back!" the eagle warned.


The eagle slowly nods and said, "Very well then..."

Soon the birds who held Richard down to restrain him let go and then a large flock of smaller birds came and began to swarm at the thug. Richard tried to run but for some reason, his legs just wouldn't move, it's like they're frozen stiff even though aside from the stab wound, there was nothing wrong with them. Richards looks on helplessly as the birds swarm upon him and then it's all dark...

"Welcome Richard Barr, we have been waiting for your arrival, feel free to make yourself feel at home!" a gravely voice assured.

Richard wakes up and found himself in what seemed to be a large underground cave filled with fire, brimstone, and magma...

"WELCOME TO HELL!" someone laughed.

Richard turned and saw a hideous looking creature taunting him.

"Where the hell am I?" he demanded.

"What the hell do you think?" the creature asked.

"You don't mean this is..."

"You're not very bright are you? Anyway, let me take you on a tour before I can take you to your room where you will be staying for the entire eternity."

Then Richard's body started to move on it's own, following the creature on a tour throughout the fiery underworld. After spending what seemed to be years following the creature around hell, they finally made their way to the final stop at the mountain decorated with infinite doors. The creature pointed his finger at one door and said, this room is where Kálmán Cseh von Szent-Katolna now resides as things are now hot for him..."

Then the points his finger at the other door, "The home of Osama Bin Laden, he didn't receive his 72 virgins but we gave him something just as good," as a bloodcurling scream is being heard from behind the door.

Then the creature points his finger at the door next to it, "Where the members of the 1965 Pulitzer Prize committee lives, we made sure things are comfortable for them..."

Richard gulped and said, "So...I'm going to live in one of the doors...right?"

"Exactly," said the creature before adding, "Follow me!"

Richard had to sprint in order to keep up with the creature as he started to fly and at one point, it looked as if he got lost only for his body to find its way to were the monster stood. The creature gave Richard a smug grin, points his finger at the door that suddenly appeared right beside him and said, "Here we are Richard, this is your new home, prepare to rest up for today as tomorrow will be the beginning of your eternal torment reserved just for you...not only that, we also have a roommate waiting for you as well so be sure to keep him company!"

Richard walks into the door and to his surprise, his friend, Michael is sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the television.

"Michael...is that you?" Richard said nervously.

Michael turns and said, "Hello Richard..."

"Michael...the place...how is it? Is the torment going to be as bad as the guy said it would be?"

"No, this place is actually great, we had tons of fun and sometimes we get to party, but of course, it's not for everyone."

Richard breathed a sign of relief and smiled while figuring that "Not for everyone" meant the people in heaven are now living boring eternity while they themselves gets to live it up in hell. But then, the thug suddenly felt something wrong...it's like a jolt being shot through his ears...but why? Why the weird feeling? Then there's a loud scream and Richard went to take a look out of the door and saw a demon riding a motocycle with chains dragging the helpless victim down the road. Upon a more closer look, Richard would soon realize that the victim is in fact...Michael!

The door quickly shuts itself and disappeared.

Richard turned around and saw Michael sitting on the bed smiling.

"Michael...what the hell is going on here? Why did I saw you being dragged outside?" Richard stammered.

"I sorry to disappoint you Richard Barr, while your torment was supposed to start tomorrow, I say it starts now!" said "Michael" as he pulls off the mask to reveal his true identity.

Richard slid to the ground and started to piss himself at what he just saw.


Posted by Idiot-Finder - August 24th, 2012

Lance Armstrong was imprisoned inside a massive wicker man as the members of the USADA each held a torch, ready to light him on fire. The members parted a little to make way for Travis Tygart who walked over to the wickerman and said, "Lance Armstrong, you are hearby sentenced t-"

"You bastards! The reason why I'm giving up is because I have been fighting off this bull crap for 13 years, it's cutting into my personal life!" Armstrong yelled.

"Now, now, Lance my boy, we were able to get ten team mates going against you and there is nothing you can do, by giving up your defense, you might as well say that you took the performance enhancing drugs." Tygart sneered.

"But I didn't do it; You set me up to take the fall because many others were busted!"

"Yes and if we ban them, there would be no sport. Our only option is to sacrifice you so that cycling can live on."

"You monster!"

Tygart chuckled and said, "Don't you realize that with your sacrifice, many future cyclists will see you as a sacrifice for the greater good!"

Armstrong continued to scream but to no avail as the each torch are placed onto the feet of the giant wooden prison. Soon the fire began to spread and the smoke started to engulf the wicker man as the former champion cyclist struggled to break free.

The members of the USADA and the authorities in charge of Tour de France cycling competition started to sing and dance as the flame rises throughout the body of a giant wooden prison that held Lance Armstrong. Armstrong tried to break free but then he started to realize that it's hopeless and screamed, only for his efforts to fall in vain as he life would end in flames like his reputation not long ago.

Posted by Idiot-Finder - August 22nd, 2012

With his team down by twenty points with five minutes to go, coach Gardner calls for a timeout and gathers his player into a huddle.

"Okay guys, I know we're down by twenty but we can still win this; Even though this is the final quarter, lost our best scorer and we have five minutes left on the clock...but we can still win this!" said Gardner.

"Coach, you have a plan right?" one of the players ask.

Gardner smiles and answer, "I have an ace up my sleeve!"


Gardner takes out a card from his sleeve and shows it to the players.

"Here it is, Ace!"

Afterward, the coach proceeds to reveal several more cards from his sleeves. Then he went on to shuffle the cards, flip some into the air and catches them with his teeth. Gardner went on to put the cards in his hands back into his pocket and take the ones he is holding with his mouth to reveal to his players.

"Royal flush!"

The players looks on with confusion and one of them asks, "Um, coach, what does this have anything to do with this game?"

"To tell you the truth, nothing...nothing at all." said the coach.

The players looks on in silence.

Then Gardner continues, "Truth is we have no chance of winning this game, I mean as I said before, we lost our best scorer and we're running out of time; Unless the game is like the boxing match where it gets decided by the panel of judges and some of them happens to be the ones who chose Bradley over Pacquiao in what was probably a rigged game, we're screwed! With that said, I have nothing in mind to help us win so you guys should just...well...you know...just give it all you got."

"Thanks coach, that sure was helpful." said the player with a sarcastic tone.

Posted by Idiot-Finder - July 21st, 2012

Note: From my popular work from Fiction Press.

"I'm not a team player and fuck you guys!"

His teammates stare as he throws down his jersey and storm right out of the locker room.

"What the hell just happened?" asked one of the players.

"Well, ever since he became a star, it's like he went 180 all of a sudden!" said the other player.

"Tony, what does it mean?"

"It means that he has a change in personality, it's like he turned into a massive douche!"

"You mean like 'Elfen Lied'?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

The coach comes in and said, "Okay guys, I know that Tyrone has a sudden shift in personality and that Marvin became hesitant to help us knowing that he's a favorite to win the MVP this season but we still have to win."

The players agrees except Marvin, the team's starting point guard who said, "I know it's important for us to win but...we lost Tyrone to super-stardom, it's like living in sports movies where the star players are shown as asswipes."

"It's true Marvin but sti-"

"No, you don't understand, if I keep on playing, I might turn into a ball hog who cares about nothing but pumping up stats...basketball is a team game right? If you guys go on ahead without me, the team might win the championship despite losing Tyrone and me."

The coach looks at the players and said, "Well, we have no choice, he's right."

Then suddenly, a figure enters the locker room and said, "Really? You're gonna give up already?"

Marvin looks up and to his surprise...

"Michael Jordan?"

The legendary basketball player smiles and said, "There is something you need to know, while it's true that basketball is a team game, but teams needs a star or otherwise, just look what happened to my old team after their best player got hurt, they fell to a flukey mediocre team."

Marvin stammers a bit but recovers and said, "But they said there's no 'i' in team!"

"Maybe so but there is an 'i' in win".

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that it is okay to be selfish, as long it motivates you, I mean you're still looking for a championship ring right?"

Then Jordan shows him a fist full of championship blings.

In awe by the shiny hardwares on Jordan's fingers, Marvin calms down and said, "I get it now, I want one of these, no wonder why they made a big deal!"

Then his team mates gets up and one by one they said, "Hey I want one of those too!"

"Our assistant coach was a Hall of Fame player, he never got one, let's win one for him too!"


Then the team caught fire and went on to win the whole thing.

For the real ending...

Posted by Idiot-Finder - July 3rd, 2012

One day at Francis Lewis High school, we were waiting for our history teacher to show up when an unexpected guest arrived.

"Howard Dean?"

What was he doing here?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cosgrove is out sick so for today I'll be filling in." said Dean.

Then he asked, "Okay, where did Cosgrove left off from last time?"

"We were starting to learn about the Mexican-American War."

His eyes became wide and then he said, "Let's get this started!"

Everything started out rather tame as he made some discussions about how the Mexican-American War started along with some stuff about the "Manifest Destiny" as well as the Texans' independence from Mexico. But once Dean got to the part about the invasion of what was Mexican territories at the time, things got crazy...

When things got crazy, guess what happens?

"Once we entered through the deeper part of Texas, we marched right onto New Mexico...THEN WE HEAD TO ARIZONA, COLORADO, THEN WE WENT INTO UTAH, PARTS OF WYOMING NEVADA..." as he rolled up his sleeves and yanked his tie off screaming, "...THEN WE TOOK OVER CALIFORNIA, YEEEAH!" while his face turned red as a beet.

Then he jumped to the desk with a spectacular back flip, ripped off his shirt and screamed, "YEEEAH, YEEEAH, YEEEAH!"






For a second, I thought I was listening to a car alarm.

It was the best class I ever had...until something random popped up and ruined the day.

Since 2003, the school start using music as a substitute for a bell to signal the beginning and the end of each class. But for some reason, out of all songs, they chose this...

Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me...

Then the lunatic proceeds to strip off his clothes including his underwear, resulting in the class seeing something that should never be seen. This is one of the things I wish I can unsee...if only there is a way to bleach my brain.

Damn you Justin Timberlake!

Posted by Idiot-Finder - June 20th, 2012

Note: If the writers can come up with a random Mary Sue character like Takuto just to keep Ash from winning anything, just imagine what his next league opponent in the future would be.

Part 1 - Odds:

We were at the bar when a kid was being interviewed after losing to Takuto, the overwhelming tournament favorite who came out of nowhere to take the league by storm. The kid didn't seem to mind and said, "I will be back next year at the Unova League!"

I said, "I'm betting five hundred dollars that he'll make it to the semi-finals again and loses to some random god-mode dude in a blowout fashion."

Then the person next to me said, "Seven hundred bucks that he won't even make it out of the preliminaries!"

Then Jim Fassel came and said, "I'm raising the stakes and pushing all the chips to the middle of the table, this kid will make it back to the Pokemon League and out of the preliminaries!"

Part 2 - Slaughter:

After his triumphant victory in the Unova League, a dark skinned Italian trainer was ready to leave when a kid ran toward him screaming, "You bastard! You killed all my Pokemon...how can you do this?"

The trainer smiles and said, "Don't you realize that by the end of the battle, only the strong survives and the weak perish."

The kid became furious and said, "P-Pikachu was my friend...you murderer!"

"It's not murder if the winner writes the history and if you can't deal with it..."

The mysterious trainer raise his finger and points right at the kid.

"Sekishiki Meikai Ha!"

The kid then falls to the ground lifelessly and nobody notice what's going on. The mysterious trainer leaves and came upon a strange looking creature who then said, "It sure is good to see you here Deathmask."

Deathmask gave a smug grin and said, "Where the hell have you been for all this time Kyubey?"

"Give me a break, there are many young girls for me to contract." answered Kyubey.

"Whatever, let's go home, this is getting boring already!"

Part 3 - Temple of Cancer:

Meanwhile, back in Athens, the temple of the star sign Cancer is decorated with the faces of those killed by Deathmask. Among the faces, the face of the kid whom Deathmask have killed appears and all he can do is moan like the rest...