Mentally exhausted, I lay down on the bed despite being fully healed.
"You know I can't let you leave yet, potions won't fill you up and you have to eat." the potion lady said.
This raises another question at that point.
She gave me a bowl of gruel and told me to eat up, but I didn't like the look of the contents in the bowl, I mean I thought I saw something moved. Seeing the stern look on her face, I forced myself to drink it and surprisingly, it didn't taste half-bad, just bland.
After finishing the bowl, I waited awhile for the gruel to settle further into my digestive system before I could move on. Then I took off the bandages, put my shirt back on, and went to look for my jacket but wasn't able to find it.
"It's okay, you can't go without paying so I'm taking your jacket as a payment." said the potion lady.
I nodded and shrugged.
We bid farewell and I exited the room to enter the sixteenth level of hell.
It wasn't so much of a corridor than a canyon where the bottom is covered with bed of spikes. I saw a rope and realized what to do so I grabbed on to one and swung myself to the nearest platform.
To tell you the truth, it's kind of fun, the healing potion and the gruel I had must have reinvigorated me.
After taking a piss, I zipped my pants and swung myself to the end of the room where in excitement, I made a Tarzan cry before slamming myself into a wall right above the entrance.
Upon entering the room to the seventeenth level of hell, to my surprise the stairs led downward rather than upwards like the predecessor has. After walking down the long spiral staircase, I came across a corridor with floor decorated with an electonic hopscotch...
I wasn't sure what was going on there but as soon as I took a step, a music begin to play and that's when I realize the hopscotch is in fact a Dance Dance Revolution. Unlike most other corridors, this one isn't a trap, it's a test to see if you're good enough to pass so the door will open. If you failed, you have to go back and try again until you get it right, making this one the most exhausting out of all the corridors I went through.
But the song they chose had to be "Cotton-Eyed Joe"!
Remembering what was at stake, I sucked it up and concentrate on the screen installed right above the sealed entrance. It took me over a dozen tries to achieve over eighty percent accuracy on the song in order to pass (even taking a break in between), finally allowing me to pass through the entrance. After recovering not long ago, it didn't take long for me to become worn out.
After spending time to recover, I got up and head toward the eighteenth level of hell where the corridor was completey covered with ice. The door slammed as soon as I entered the corridor and slipped. The refridgeration suddenly begins and could see the chilling mist pouring down from the ceiling as the motor sound grew louder by the minutes.
I kept on slipping and knew that if I don't get to the end of this corridor, I would freeze.
I tried to grab onto one of the blocks of ice to help myself up, only for it to slide away. Then I pushed myself to the side of the corridor where I would try to grab onto whatever was on the wall, only to realize that the walls are completely covered with smooth layer of ice as well. Then an idea came up and I pushed myself back to the entrance from where I entered the corridor. Positioning myself on the back, I put my feet onto the door to push myself away from the entrance where I would slide all the way to the other side.
I grabbed the bar in front of the door and saw a small screen with a question which indicates that it's a touch screen.
It asked, "During the Trojan War, prior to Achilles' death, whose armor was one of the prizes in the competition?"
I typed in "Sarpedon"
Then the next question, "What is the freezing temperature?"
I typed in "32 °F" and it was ruled incorrect!
I was surprised, how can it be wrong? Then I remember that there was the unit of measurement for temperature that is used by the majority of the world which in turn gives me a hint who the "overlord" is.
I typed in "0 °C" and the next question comes up as I started to sneeze.
"What Batman character did Arnold Schwarzenegger kill in 1997?"
I typed in "Mr. Freeze" and finally the door opens.
I made my way in and started to sneeze uncontrollably before I could really proceed to the next corridor. After spending time pressing one of my nostrils close in order to blow out the runny mucus from my nose, I did the same to the other before wiping them with my shirt.
Not sure why one of the question wasn't ice related but whatever, moving onto the nineteenth level of hell, I walked down the stairs where the corridor has walls built with flamethrowers blowing from both sides, making this one the closest to live up to its nickname I gave it. I was intimidated at first until I notice how they didn't fire at the same time, indicating that there's a certain timing and patterns involved.
Knowing that if I were to get through this corridor of hell, I would have to time the pattern correctly or I'd be torched.
Spending some time reading the pattern, I made sure to check several times before I could step in. I ran past the first flamethrower just before it fires and stood in the direction of the second before heading to the third. Then once the second flamethrower stopped, I leaped back as the third fires a scorching hot flame right in front of me for few seconds before I could move past it. While standing in the direction of the fourth flamethrower, I became unsure because from the angle I was standing while reading the pattern, you know that I could get the bird eye's view as there's no platform for me to stand on so I had to take a guess.
Needless to say, I looked at the fourth flamethrower and realized that it was going to fire at me. After jumping out of the way into the path of the third, I made a run for it before stopping in front of the flames fired by the sixth, stranding me in the path of the fifth as the flames from behind blocked the path there too. It gets worse from here, after moving to the path of the seventh flamethrower, I was grazed in the back by the sixth causing me to run toward the wall of fire from the eighth flamethrower without thinking...
It does looked like I had a reprieve when the eighth flamethrower stopped and as I tried to run past the ninth and final flamethrower, I was immediately hit and for that time I thought I was cooked. I wasn't sure what happened after that by I fell and struggled to get out of the pool of water in the room at the end of the nineteenth corridor before realizing that it's shallow enough for me to stand on. This pretty much indicated that the overlord didn't feel confident in his own ability to get through the hellish corridor as well so he apparently had the small pool installed just in case.
It was refreshing for a while, but as I tried to get out, the pool floor tilts and I slid down right into the chamber where a rubber life raft would suddenly appear from the bottom, carrying me into the tunnel. I wasn't sure where the current was taking me but once the raft stopped to an abrupt halt, I climbed to the port and saw the raft sunk into the bottom as it begin to move back out of the tunnel.
Looking around, I found the door with a sign that reads, "Boss Only!"
Thinking that I have finally made it, I opened the door, climbed up the stairs where I became disappointed as it would turn out, there's another corridor and this time there's a wimpy looking man sitting on the floor meditating.
"So, you must be the intruder I heard so much about, it's quite an accomplishment but this is as far as you can go!" he said.
That's when I knew he's not the potion vendor.
"I couldn't believe it when I received a text message from the potion brothers who told me about a guy who stiffed them, only one who made it that far was the overlord but that was before he had the passageway that gave hi-err...forget what I just said okay?"
My eyebrows raised.
"No, it's nothing, forget it, let's fight!"
I shrugged since I figure I could just ask the overlord about the passageway.
The wimpy guard threw a weak punch and I just slapped it away like a fly trying to fly toward me.
"Okay, time for my secret technique!" he said before making a series of poorly imitated martial art which made the poor bastard look like a monkey having seizures. I punched him in the face and he fell.
As he got up, the guard has a smile on his face.
"Have you realize what you have done, this is my true ability after all!" he laughed.
All of a sudden, I felt like I have been punched in the face!
I wiped my face and rubbed my nose while wondering what just happened.
"You haven't figure it out have you, everything you threw against me, you'll feel the same pain!"
I cleared my throat and quietly said, "If that's the case, then let's see how much you can take it!" with a grin.
I start beating him while taking damages from my own punches at the same time. Once it was over, the guard passed out while I collapsed from the pain all over my body, especially after making a mistake of kicking him in the crotch while forgetting his special ability.
I slowly got up and stumbled into the room where there's a young man running the potion stand who looked at me in surprise.
"You must be the guy who stiffed my brothers from before."
I nodded.
"Awesome, I got just the thing for you!" he yelled enthusiastically which took me by surprise, I mean wasn't he supposed to be mad?
"The overload never bought anything from me because oh you know, he stocked up from what be bought from my brothers and time after time they would rub it in my face and you know how tough it is being the youngest sibling don't you?"
"Not really." I said.
"Oh...okay then, but anyway, in return for stiff my brothers, here is something you may need along the way." he said.
The vendor gave me a belt and continues, "This belt can hold up to five bottles of potions so you won't have to go through the trouble of trying to hold on to the bottles themselves and notice how I gave you three of them, they're free!"
"Don't mention it but the next time we meet, you have to pay if you want more bottles." said the vendor.
I nodded and bid each other farewell.
Entering the twenty-first level of hell, I came across another guard, this time in a ninja getup.
"Who are you supposed to be?" I asked.
"Mock me all you want, but in the end I will be the one to do the mocking as you lay down in pain as your life slowly expires!" the ninja laughed.
"I wasn't mocking you, I was j-" just as the wind blew by me and felt something slashed through my legs. Screaming in pain, I could barely stay on my feet what watching the blood soaking through my jeans.
I recognized that style...
Clenching my teeth, I said, "You...just...used..."
The ninja laughed and yelled, "That's right, I practice a style of martial arts known as Nanto Sei Ken!"
"I knew it!" I thought.
The style of that martial art was made famous by the manga "Hokuto no Ken" where there were fighters who practices it would slash the opponents from the outside, even slicing them into ribbons, contrasting the style employed by the protagonist (which tends to be extremely gory and much more messier). As I can recall, this particular technique was famously employed by a homosexual.
When facing a person who has that technique, there is one rule, DO NOT STAND YOUR GROUND!
As the ninja guard starts sending several more waves toward me, I jumped right over it and ran toward the person where I knocked him down with a punch. After beating him to a pulp, I thought it was over when the ninja guard slashed my legs once again and said, "I just severed your femoral artery on each legs, even if you get past me, you won't go very far."
Remembering the potion the vendor gave me, I grabbed the bottle and quickly drained it down to the last drop. After waiting a few minutes for the wounds to heal, I still had to sit on the ground for a while for my blood to replenish as well since the full effect of the potion takes time. It was a good thing the ninja guard passed out from the wounds I dealt him or otherwise he could have finished me off as I was drinking.
Just as I was ready to leave, the ninja guard woke up and said, "You're fortunate to have that potion or otherwise you'd be dead."
"Still fighting?" I asked.
"No, this time I admit defeat, it is honorable of you to not use that weapon and for that, my respect grows."
Stunned, I said, "Um...okay."
As I was moving on, I started to think about whether I should have told him the truth, but decided against it since I didn't have the heart to tell him that I forgot that I have a gun with me or otherwise, I would have used it from the start, saving me the trouble against him.
After patting the gun on my holster, I headed into the twenty-second level of hell where there's a seemingly empty corridor but after noticing the sides, I wonder what could be set up in order to trap me in there.
At first, I threw a pebble into the ground, but nothing happened, even tried tapping my foot on it with the same exact result. Afterward, I dashed toward the end of the corridor knowing that there is a good chance if I stopped, something might happen. Even as the floor started to rumble I still kept on running although the corridor is just as long as the eighth corridor which makes it difficult to make it to the end.
Toward the end, I stumbled and nearly fell off the steep edge before recovering to make the jump before the rising floor could crush me in the ceiling. However, upon landing, I felt a pop on both knees and felt a sharp pain on each of them. Unable to take such pain, I popped open another bottle of potion and gulped it down, only to have some liquid fall right into my windpipe.
After accidentally spitting out some of the potion and spend several minutes coughing, I had to clear my throat for a while before I could finish up the rest of the potion in the bottle, leaving my knees only mostly healed, which is still good enough.
Entering the twenty-third level of hell, there's a narrow bridge over the bottomless pit. What makes it dangerous wasn't just that the bridge didn't have handrails, it's that once I started to walk on the bridge, several ghosts would rise from the pit and got on my face saying something in order to make me fall. I knew in order to get to the other side, I have to stay steady because if I run, you know what happens.
The ghosts would becomes louder and louder as I became closer to the end of the bridge. Once I finally made it to the other side, the ghosts suddenly vanished which led me to believe that there may have been some buttons in the bridge to set up the hologram.
As I enter what would turn out to be the final corridor, just like before, there's a man guarding the door.
"Y-you came that far? H-h-how did you..." he stammered.
"You seem nervous, even I wasn't that bad while making a presentation during college class," I said.
"Y-you have no idea, having t-t-to guard there...for that long, hehehe..."
Creeped out, I said "Okay then, what are you supposed to do?"
"We play a game..." he answered.
"It's easy...p-paper beats scissors...and scissors beats paper, that's how it goes!" he said with a smile which creeped me out even further.
"Beat me three may pass."
"That sounds simple enough." I said despite being somewhat unsure of myself.
"If you lose, you may try again or lose, it won't happen..." he said.
As soon as the game began, it started out with series of stalemates.
No really, I didn't think it's remotely possible but or minute after minute, it was like the guy was able to read my hand movements. I even tried five scissors in a row and yet the results are the same time after time after time. After using just about every mix I can think of in order to throw the guy off, I had to stop for a minute in order to think what I was supposed to do.
Knowing that the final guard seems to have an ability to read hand movements, something must be done in order to beat him. I thought about pulling out a gun and shoot him, but I decided that I wanted to beat him at his own game instead, I mean shooting him would be way too messed up and that's coming from someone who would have used Action Replay to cheat on Pokemon in order to get a shiny Pokemon if given the chance to do so.
Not willing to step away from the challenge, I said, "Hey, how many ties did we hit so far?"
"29!" he answered.
"29 and counting, not going to end anytime soon!"
I sighed and sat on the floor thinking about the plan to fake him out, only to find myself talking to...myself once again.
"There's got to be away...he's not going to keep forcing me into a stalemate any longer!"
"Oh yes I can!" the guard sang.
"Oh shut up!" I yelled.
I tried to concentrate, hoping to find a way to counter the guy's reading of my hand movements when I fell asleep. I dreamt that I was in a "Old Master Q" cartoon movie where the main character and Mr. Chiu were trying to force each other into testing a time machine that injured Big Potato and Mr. Nobody. In the end, Old Master Q was able to fake him out by using a thought bubble where...well, that's where I woke up and the rest was a bit hazy afterward since it's been years since I last watched that cartoon.
However, I did found out couple of ways to fake out the guard, but decided that I'll have to wait aft first, can't give it away too soon or it'll be wasted. Either way, there's no way I will let the stalemate reach one hundred times in a row, especially after watching that episode of "The Regular Show".
"Okay bud, I'm ready and this time I can guarantee that I will end the stalemate and win three times!" I boasted.
The guard laughed and said, "Just try...I like to see you try!"
Guess he dropped the act.
"Okay then!"
I cracked my fingers and said, "Bring it on!"
It started off like this, scissor vs. scissor, paper vs. paper, rock vs. rock, paper vs. paper, paper vs. paper, rock vs. rock, paper vs. paper, rock vs. rock, rock vs. rock, scissor vs. scissor, scissor vs. scissor, rock vs. rock, rock vs. rock, paper vs. paper, paper vs. paper, paper vs. paper and vice versa. The stalemate would continue when my hand slowly opened up just before the tool we choose was thrown.
"The stalemate will last forever!" the guard laughed, reminding me of a crazy woman from Umineko.
After few more paper stalemate, on the next match up, I threw in a scissor at the last second, beating his paper.
"What?! That's impossible, I should have caught that!" he yelled.
"Not really, there's a reason why I slowly opened up my hand as time went by, that way it'll become tougher to see whether if it's a paper or a scissor since they're closer to each other than rock is to either of them." I said.
"Ha! You gave it away, now I can see what you will do later on since you only won one, you need two more but that'll never happen!" he yelled.
"So what? You would have figured it out anyway, after this it's all a matter of crap shoot." I yawned.
Before continuing our match, I walked away and crouched down on the floor thinking about what I should do. Remembering the fake out from Old Master Q cartoon movie, I got up and walked back to the guard, saying, "Ready for the second round?"
"Rock, scissor, paper!"
He threw a scissor while I threw a rock.
"WHAT? NO WAY!" the guard screamed.
I laughed and said, "Worried yet?"
"It's not over yet, you still need one more win!" the guard growled.
Just as we were about to throw our hand, suddenly, our fingers stopped mid-way in hesitation.
I yelled, "What the hell?"
The guard was puzzled as well.
I didn't get it, I'm leading two to nil, I shouldn't worry about this.
"I get it, you're worried about choking!" the guard said.
"Few years ago I was watching an air hockey tournament on ESPN, I always thought you looked familiar but it turns out you're the guy who blew a huge lead in each four sets, since then you just disappeared."
I became silent, he actually watched that? I didn't think people would actually watch that crap but to think that it was aired on ESPN...I know they air poker but still, I couldn't believe it.
Then he continues, "Then again, you came out of nowhere and somehow knocked off several contenders including the defending champion that time in the early rounds, guess lighting can only strike once."
Truth to be told, what happened in that air hockey tournament few years ago had nothing to do with my hesitation, I didn't even remember until he went and brought it up. I even tried to tell him that but...
"Yeah sure, maybe if I can keep up the stalemate...maybe you will lose after all, after all you're all out of tricks aren't you?" the guard laughed.
"There's one more..." I said.
"What is it?" the guard asked with a smirk.
"A ROCK!" as I punched him in the face.
Remember the stuff I said about beating him at his own game? I already beat him twice so I decided to screw the third one.
After beating his head in with a rock, I entered through the door and to my relief, the corridors and death traps I had to go through, it's finally over. At the same time I was also surprised, the place's a luxury!
I entered the lounge room and looked at the clock, confirming what I have thought all long, it's already too late as it's been over seven hours even since I entered the corridors. Feeling depressed, I sat on the sofa where I would fall asleep once again, only to be awaken by the sound of someone yelling, scaring me into thinking that I might have been caught.
Turns out while they did found me out as the guard I knocked out earlier woke up and alerted the others inside the luxury room, they haven't discovered me yet. So I stretched and made my move to avoid getting caught.
Then suddenly, remembering all the potion I drank from before, I needed to use the restroom so I sprinted to each room before finally coming across the men's room. I entered the bathroom stall and proceed to relax. Behind the closed door of the bathroom stall, I could hear couple of guards entering the room and stood in front of the stall I happened to be in, talking to each other.
"Can you really believe this? No one else have made it past all these since the overlord had the secret passage built for his and ours convenience, in fact we were among the chosen by the overlord because he trusted us to protect him and yet..."
"I know, but it's not going to matter, while someone did slipped by somehow, we can't let him get away or we'll get it for sure!"
They would continue to chat for several more minutes before leaving. making it safe for me to come out. After washing my hands, I peered out of the entrance to look around just to make sure there aren't any guards looking for me. Once knowing that the coast was clear, I got out and climbed up the stairs to the upper level of the room.
Feeling hungry, I went to the kitchen and found boxes of instant grits.
Just when I was ready to help myself to a meal, one of the guards entered the kitchen and said, "So there you are, to think you're making a dinner, what a mistake."
I watched as he pulls out a gun and said, "Don't think about beating me in a duel, no one have ever outdrawn me before and every single kills I had were given the Moe Greene Special, really leaves a mark."
"So you get your kicks from shooting someone in the eye?" I said.
He smiled and replied, "I made sure to keep track of each and every one of my kills, all one hundred thirty three of them in the eye, it's a shame that you would fall by your own stupidity all because you think about your stomach. You should have thought about your eye as well as your life."
"It's time for the Moe Greene Special..."
Before he could do so, I gave him the Al Green Special, leaving him screaming from the burns of the hot boiling grits. After knocking him out with a frying pan, I ran out of the kitchen and hid in one of the rooms as several guards came to the eye-shooter's aid.
Knowing that the guards would search high and low in this place, I had to keep on moving.
As soon as the guards enters the room, I hid under the table covered with cloth.
"Hey Don, be sure to check under the table!"
I scampered from under the table and in a split second, leaped right over the sofa in order to hide behind.
"What was that?"
"I don't know, it's like a wind just blew or something."
"Maybe it's a ghost?"
"Don't be silly, remember the last time we told called the overlord about this? If he finds out we have been drinking again, he'll have us whipped with a belt!"
As they were bickering, I found another stairs and made my way up where it leads to another hall. Having to time to think about what could lie ahead, I sprinted down the corridor where I would meet a familiar face.
Not many know his name but he was known by his preferred internet moniker, "The Klown" (I recognized him by his name tag, pseudo-gangsta getup, and a Philadelphia Eagles cap). It's a very fitting name for him because more often than not, many of the things he would post are befitting of a, what do you think? A clown.
He's also known to threaten people online whenever someone insults him or calls him out for rubbish posts he would make. It's because of his actions, the clown would get a weekly ban each month by the moderators.
He was asleep when I got there but the creak on the floor caused him to shot awake screaming, "THE ANSWER'S 12!" before looking around to realize that he's not in class.
"Who the fuck are you?" he yelled.
Seeing that he didn't know who I am, I decided to have fun by messing with him.
"So we meet again clown, once I'm finished I will finish my shift operating the crane."
"I would like to see you try you stupid wigger." I said.
The wigger tried to pull my head off for few minutes, only to tire out.
"Wait for a minute." he said.
I watched in disbelief as the clown starts tearing his shirt off while screaming like Bobcat Goldthwait getting his nuts ripped off. Once it was over, the clown grinned and said, "Now it's time!"
He tried to pull my head off again with the same result.
"Enter ban land!" I said.
I slapped the idiot with my left hand and he twirled to the floor.
"Whoa...that doesn't hurt you faggot!"
I sighed and said, "Riiight!"
The clown tried to attack me but then I slapped him again, causing him to turn and run into the wall.
"C'mon you clown, is that the best you can do? I thought you're going to tear my head off!" I said in a mocking tone.
The clown got up and said, "You white trash...he only reason you think you can treat people like shit on Newgrounds is because you give the website money."
Caught by surprise, I said,"What? First of all, I'm not white and..." when that idiot cut me off.
"You think that give you the right to belittle people," he continued.
"I only belittle you."
"But you're nothing but trash and face to face you would easily get you racist ass beat by me."
"Um...who's beating who? Not to mention as I recall, you posted quite a nasty stuff on the Trayvon Zimmerman thread."
That comment came out of nowhere.
The clown would charge toward me and I struck a blow onto his chest, knocking him down.
"I'm not left handed." I said.
"SHUT UP, THAT MOVIE SUCKED!" he screamed.
I kicked him and instantly, he screamed.
"Notice how your pain became worse? I just struck a pressure point in your chest, now all your nerves are exposed!" I said.
"Guess I struck a nerve." I said with a chuckle.
"Oh I know a guy who knew that move back in Minneapolis, long story..." I said just before kicking the idiot just to make him suffer.
"That's the point when I hit that pressure point," I said before being interrupted by the screaming.
"...anyway, time to really put this one to a test."
I pulled out a gun and shot him in the knee, causing the annoying forum poster to scream even louder, nearly deafening me in the process.
"God really? You sounded like your nuts have been lopped off, speaking of..."
I kicked him in the groin with the same result.
After he was done screaming, I crouched down in front of the suffering clown and said, "Just to let you know, it's not superpower or magic, ever heard of acupuncture?"
As I got up, I stepped on the clown's head and started to grind my sneaker, causing him to tearfully beg me to stop. Starting to feel bad, I stopped and took out the last bottle of potion, waving it above his head.
"This could heal you and once that's done, I could hit the pressure point again to cancel the effect that I just activated on your body." I said.
Klown sobbed, "T-thank you..." just before I dropped the bottle right in front of him.
"Oops, that's too bad, it's the last bottle I have." I said before breaking into laughter.
I watched as the poor bastard began to lap on the floor like a dog hoping to get enough to heal up his knee. Once again I placed my foot onto his head and pushed it down on the puddle.
I know I was being a dick but after going through a series of deathtraps, it felt great, not to mention torturing that piece of shit who have been posting crap on the boards for years...I needed that release.
It wasn't long until some of the guards showed up and as expected, they were horrified to see what I have been doing to Klown. Knowing that they will make a move, I pointed my gun toward Klown's head and said, "If you make one move toward us, I will make sure that clown's brain will decorate the part of the hall."
"You bastard better not do anything to him!" one of the guards yelled.
"If you kill him, I swear we will make you regret this!"
I smiled as Klown whimpered, "K-kill me..."
"Like hell I will!" I yelled before kicking him in the face.
The guards protested but it didn't matter since they knew better than to do something to save their comrade. Truth is I had no intention to kill him, I got the kicks I needed from the misery I beaten into that clown.
I knelt down and said, "For all the crap you have posted on Newgrounds, just tell me, was it worth it?"
Seeing the teary mess Klown became as well as the snot running out of his nose, I shook my head and sighed. "It's been fun but I have no time for this, farewell!" I said as I use the only other pressure point technique I knew by striking his forehead with my two fingers, knocking him out. I could hear the guards yelling at me but to my surprise, the speaker right next to the door then bellowed, "It's okay guys, don't open fire on our uninvited guest, I have been expecting him."
The guards were taken aback as much as I was.
"Just pick up Klown and leave, our guest didn't kill him so be sure to send him to the hospital where he can recover from his wounds, I'll deal with him myself."
After the guards retrieved Klown, one of them glared at me and said, "You will pay for what you did, the overlord will teach you a lesson that you shall never regret!"
I dug some dried earwax out of my ear and said, "Sure bud, I'll make sure that he does."
"You think that was funny do ya? How about if someone does it to you?"
"Been there and done that about an hour ago."
Angered by what I said, he gave me a shove and in response, I punched him in the face. After a brief scuffle, some of the other guards separated us and said, "Guys, stop it there's no time, we need to get Klown to the hospital and you need to have a meeting with our overlord, there's no time to waste already!"
"Besides, how old are you two? You're not kids!"
Once the guards left, I turned to the door as the speaker then boomed, "I am impressed on how you have managed to get there in spite of the traps that led to this room, even I had times where I nearly regret having them built."
"However, it's been a while since I last went through that place now that I had no need to risk my life due to the passageway built in my office."
My eyebrows raised and I said, "So it's true, you must have made sure to choose the most trusted men in your inner circle to accompany you as well."
"Correct." said the overlord.