View Profile Idiot-Finder
I want the funky chicken.

Age 37, Male


some boring ass school

New York,NY

Joined on 8/29/02

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Idiot-Finder's News

Posted by Idiot-Finder - January 12th, 2012

One day I was at the supermarket buying some food when someone threw a can at me, I turned around and yelled, "What the hell?"

That's when I notice the familar face from before, Chargers fan!

I sighed and said, "You again?"

"You have been the bane of San Diego for centuries, I won't let you get away with all your cri-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute...centuries? It's been three and a half years, get over it! It's not my fault that you and your friends screwed up your lives trying to kill me, I mean you guys are unbelievable!"

He threw another can at me and I knocked it away while trying to catch it.

He blow steam and yelled, "You asshole, I will-hey let go! LET GO!" as he was dragged away by security.

After a while, as soon as I walked out of the store holding some shopping bags, a Chargers fan was waiting for me...yeah I know it's creepy but as I mentioned before, he have been doing this for three and a half years!

"Now, are you ready to fight me?" he said.

"Dude, why do you want a fight in the public? Both of us could get arrested!" I said.

"Oh sure, next thing you'll be telling me is that my Chargers missed the playoffs!"

"Actually, they did."

He laughed and I couldn't believe he was serious, guess he didn't pay any attention to the news. I put down the bags and sat on the ground waiting for his annoying to stop after few minutes. Once it was finally over, he said, "Your shitting me right? My Chargers made it to the playoffs, the guy said so on Yahoo! Answers so it's true or he would be lying!"

Hearing that, I started to laugh and then I heard him screaming for me to stop "mocking" him. If he thought that was bad, just wait until he reads this.

I got up, picked up my bags, and started to leave when the Chargers fan yelled, "Wait, we're not done yet!"

I turned my head toward the direction right next to him and said, "Hey, isn't that Philip Rivers?"

"Where?" he said as he looked behind him.

I ran off before he turns back to face me again.

The next day, I learn that some people never give up...seriously he was still standing in the same friggin' spot looking for his hero and I got close enough to hear him mumbling,"I don't see him, he must be hiding somewhere."

I slowly walked away before he notice anything and hours later when I came back, he was still there, standing like an idiot trying to look for his hero. Since then he was on the news where the reporter tried to interview him but they were unable to get any response from him other than, "Where's Philip Rivers?"

Of all the Chargers fans I met over the course of almost four years, this fella is by far the most pathetic I have ever ran into. Granted I felt a bit sorry for him since I did kinda provoked him few years ago when I laughed at him at the cafe when the door hits him in the ass on his way out...then again everyone in the room laughed at him so I'm not sure why he was after me. Maybe it had something to do with messing up his friends' effigy burning or something (long story).

Once it was finally over, the Chargers fan learned that he have been duped and tried to find me so it's a good thing he have no idea where I'm staying right now. But one thing is for certain, I will have to take him and his group of followers down sooner or later, how or why they have been following me is something that bugged me for some time, not to mention how he knew my name. That guy's crazy is what I can tell you, over a small incident and he wants to kill me, guess some sports fans other than soccer fans are insane as hell.

One time I do know for certain, at least it couldn't get any ridiculously worse than it is right now. I mean sooner or later his friends or followers will have to realize that they're wasting time and the nutcase himself will realize that he have been screwing up his life for years, he has to get over it like Rex Ryan has to get over on how his Jets will never be the number one NFL team in New York/Jersey since 1969.

Hopefully they will get over it before it's too late, especially when I killed some of the followers by accident (it was inevitable as they were riding motorcycles in dangerous spots). I wouldn't be surprised if their families have already disowned them, if not then that would be pretty surprising since they're not in the insane asylum.

To demonstrate how crazy this person is, a day later I went out to visit a friend who happens to live in the city and I came upon a group of thugs each wearing caps with a bolt logo on them...I knew I was in trouble. I quickly fled and barely escaped with my life, they were holding machetes!

What's with these people?

Seriously, they're insane!


Posted by Idiot-Finder - January 8th, 2012

Dylan Nuno was a happy-go-lucky bully who enjoyed picking on those weaker than him. In fact bullying was his lifelong habit and dream as he would beat up little kids just to show how bad ass he is. But one day his life would change when he met Jorge Saavedra.

Jorge happened to be a somewhat disturbed kid who have been bottling up his rage after taking years of bullying. It also doesn't help that he has a disturbing obsession with roses, making him an easy target for bullies.

As Dylan came and stole his lunch money, he pointed to Jorge and said, "Hey pussy, me and you will fight outside tomorrow in the morning!"

Stunned by the sudden challenge, Jorge then said, "I don't wa-"

"Shut up, we'll fight!"

Then next morning, Jorge was in the bus on his way to school when he saw Dylan. Hoping to avoid him, he got off in the next stop hoping to walk all the way. But unfortunately, Dylan noticed him so he got off the bus as well.

Then as it happened, Dylan walked right to Jorge and hits him in the back of his head.

"Hey faggot, you're not dodging me are ya!" yelled Dylan as he proceed to hit him again.

At that moment, Dylan felt something stabbing his hand and to his horror...his right hand have been impaled by the stem of a rose!

"MY HAND!!!" Dylan screamed.

Once Jorge turned, he's holding a rose in his mouth.

Stunned, Dylan said, "What the fuck?"

Then afterward, Jorge took the rose from his mouth and threw it right into Dylan's arm...


The situation grew worse as dozens of black roses were swirling around Jorge who then said, "You think it's funny to make me suffer did you? Well who's laughing now!"

Dylan screamed, "WA-" but was cut by a barrage of black roses, slicing his skin all over his body.

Jorge laughed in a effeminate tone and said, "I could have killed you right now but that wouldn't be fun would it?"

Dylan got up and ripped the roses from his hands and said, "You monster, you're not human! I may not have weird ass powers like you but I won't go down...not without a fight!"

He charged at Jorge, only to felt a stab to his chest. Dylan looked down and saw a white rose sticking on the left side of his chest. The bully started to fall to his knee and was about to take the rose out of his chest when he noticed the flower turning red...it's draining his blood!

"Go ahead Dylan, if you take out the rose...you will die sooner!" Jorge laughed.

"What?!" Dylan yelled.

Then another rose was thrown into Dylan's testicles, causing excruciating pain. Dylan tried to scream but then another was thrown into his chest, piercing through his nipple and right into his lung. As Dylan began to collapse to the ground, two more roses were thrown, piercing his eyes. Few more were thrown to his body until Jorge decided that it was enough.

"Hmmm, twelve roses...perfect... and such beauty!" he said.

Dylan died within few minutes as the roses turns red from blood.

"Such beauty....."

Posted by Idiot-Finder - December 13th, 2011

A man started to look at us with a same creepy smile he has from the past few days...I've been in this city for almost a week and already I was starting to freak out.

"Hello," he said with a creepy grin.

"Hello..." I said.

Then he left...

The kids stared at him like as if they're in a trance and soon...they went back to their home. To those wondering, I took a babysitting job, gotta make a living while traveling. I know I could have taken a plane but remember, I hate air travel!

Those kids are really annoying, I felt like stuffing my ears with a glue just so I won't have to listen to them talking about whatever girly crap comes to mind. Yeah there's two girls (one of them is adopted since she's Asian and has a Japanese name...what a coincidence considering what happened months ago). I felt bad for the kid, being that he's the youngest of the three and have to deal with two older sisters and one of them was brought into the family from an orphanage somewhere, wherever the hell it is.

It's that close to being felt like stuck in a shoujo story, would have been the case if it wasn't for Eric. Sucks to be him, that's for certain.

Anyway remembering that people whom are strangely normal are possible psychopaths, I figure that I could investigate a bit. The way he looked at us was unnerving, he could be a child molester or a murderer, maybe I'm just being paranoid but his smile reminded me of a character from "Monster", it's that scary.

The kids parents finally return from one of the business trips and I was glad it's over, but at the same time I knew something should be done about their creepy neighbor. So the next day I waited behind the bush for the man to come out of his house so that I could follow him. Come out as he did and follow him I did as well, good thing he didn't own a car...

As I held up a newspaper so avoid attracting suspicions, I saw an article that caught my attention and nearly forgot what I was supposed to do until I bumped into someone.

"Hey watch it!" yelled a yuppie.

I saw the dude entering Walgreens, so I went in to see what he's up to. He was buying some cough medicine, a bag of Ruffles, and a bag of mini-Snickers.

So far nothing suspicious about that...

Still after it was over, I kept my eye out on him just in case. I followed him to the church where he donated a check and left.

So far, nothing out of the ordinary...

He headed back home and so I called it a day.

Then the next morning, I overslept and woke up at 10:55!

After leaving the motel, I went to check on the person when I realize that he already left. It's easy to tell since he posted a sign on the door that read, "Do not enter!"

I figured that it could be the perfect opportunity to check inside to see what might have went on when...

"Hey, are you trying to break into my house?"

I turned and saw the person returned.

"Relax, I'm just joking, you're probably waiting for me, come on in!" he said.

That took me by surprise.

I accepted his invitation and he turned out to be a nice person although a bit creepy. He asked me why people have been trying to avoid him for the past few months.

Feeling guilty, I told him the reason why and how I thought he might have been a psychotic killer. He laughed and said, "That's what it's about? That's really something!"

I laughed and said, "I know, maybe you should open up, I know I'm usually not a social person but still, getting out more can help even though you did won a lotto some time ago."

"How did you know?"

"Well you didn't seem to have a job and your house has tons of nice things,"

He laughed and said, "Yes it's true!"

Then he asked me to check out something in the basement.

I went down there and heard something eery...


get away...

kill me...

"What the hell?"

I turned on the light and to my horror...I saw several bloody faces pinned to the wall!

Then I heard some footsteps behind me and I turned to see the crazy man trying to plunge a knife toward me. I avoid it and grabbed his arm, forcing him to let go before proceeding to push him to the drainage pipe.

He got up and said, "You have learned my secret, I will add you to my beautiful collection of my precious death masks so they won't alone...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Hell I won't!" I yelled.

I knocked him down and ran upstairs to escape. Why I didn't bring my gun along, I don't know so you can say that it bit me in the ass as you'll know why.

I ran to the payphone to call the police and told the operator what was happening. The operator thought I was on drugs but decided to send the report fortunately.

Once that was done, I started to wait for the police to arrive when the face collector came out with a crossbow.

"DIE!" he screamed.

Then I took an arrow in the knee...

Posted by Idiot-Finder - November 14th, 2011

After spending several days studying, I became confident and knew there's no way I'll fail the exam. I was sitting in front of my desk waiting for the exam paper to be handed out knowing that if I pass the mid-term, it can help my grade later on.

Once them exam begins I start working on the questions. Multiple choices have always been my specialty and seeing how most of the questions are as such, I became excited. After finishing half of the questions with ease, that's when the trouble begins. I saw several classmates getting up to hand over the test papers and left.

Soon I quickly became less confident...

I tried to focus my as more people started to leave...let's just say brain farts is a common occurrence in this situation. Then there's the fact that I could hear someone chewing gum...a gum...A GUM...A FUCKING GUM!!!

No wonder why teachers in elementary school forbids gum chewing in class, I mean seriously! I wouldn't mind people eating but gum chewing just sound plain disgusting, especially in a quiet room. After hearing the chewing continuing for few more minutes, I instantly got up, walk to the asshole who making that disgusting sound and start beating him to death with a pipe.

Then I shook my head, I really need to stop letting my imagination run wild.

As few more people begins to leave, some of the questions on the test...

Who the fuck is Stalin? Why is the "Battle of Bunker Hill" important? What happened on Hiroshima? Yeah I got to the short answer section and usually I would have answered them without problems...but the pressure's eating me from the inside!

Then someone started to clear his throat.

Annoyed by the noise along with the continuous gum chewing, I cleared my throat in response...but it turns out by doing so opens up the Pandora's box. The throat clearer responds by clearing his throat again and soon...dueling throat clearing!

Then the teacher yelled, "STOP!" and I got blamed for the entire mess.

After being told to leave the class for few minutes to use the bathroom or get a drink of water at the fountain, I decided that maybe it would be a perfect opportunity to clear my head. I enter the restroom and...I saw something that shouldn't be seen.

I left the restroom disturbed...when's the last time this place have been cleaned? It's disgusting...bad enough that I was traumatized from what happened earlier while riding the public bus and looked up to see a fat female passenger's jungle under her arm.

I returned to the classroom in slightly worse shape than before and decided to finish the test. Knowing I won't pass after what happened, I breezed right through it by writing down answers I got subconsciously. Soon it's finally over and so I on my way of of the building when the gum chewer and the throat clear came by and starts taunting me.

"Ha, you got in trouble!" one laughed.

The other mimicked that disgusting chewing noise from before.

Angered, I yelled, "GUYVER!"

Soon the armor was summoned out of nowhere and covered me. Then I opened my chest plates and fired a massive laser blast, obliterating half of the entire building in the process.

That part didn't happen, just something I threw in to see if you're paying attention. I wish it did happen...I hate people sometimes. I did follow them outside of the school building and beat the living crap out of them however so all went well.

Few days later I lucked out, turns out I managed to pass the test with a score of 72%. Granted it's low, but one can wonder how much higher the score could have been if it weren't for these disturbing circumstances that fucked it all up.

Posted by Idiot-Finder - October 21st, 2011

I waited in line in front of a movie theater for over an hour when the door opens and suddenly everyone rushed in. The only reason I went to check out "Paranormal Activity 3" is that there's seemed to be a big deal over the first two movies so I figured, "Might as well."

After surviving from getting trampled by what seemed to be at least hundreds of people, I got up and bought the ticket. Then I went to buy a large bucket of popcorn, large coke, a box of milk duds, a bar of snickers, and tic tacs before heading to the theater room to watch the movie. Once I enter the room, it's crowded as hell so I move on to the next room with the same result. After going through five more rooms, I finally came upon a half-filled room and the screen is still showing nothing but some random advertisements no one really cared about (though I had to admit, I find the ads for a weapon exterminating zombie rats interesting, I'm planning to check it out one day).

As the movie's about to start, several more people came in and soon...like the previous rooms I have been to, it's packed!

After some feature presentation and all that crap, the movie begins...

After watching the movie for about an hour, I didn't find it scary although it is somewhat suspenseful. But then when one of the more frightening moments shows up, much of the audience except me jumped and the guy seated in front of me accidentally splashed some soda on me...

It gets worse, a yuppie right next to me starts dialing his cell phone and said, "Hey Richard how are you? I'm in a movie theater watching 'Paranormal Activity 3', it's the midnight opening!"

After few minutes of "Blah, blah, blah, yip, yip, yip, and some dribbles", that stupid asshole finally turn off the cellphone even though I asked him to tone it down about several times and then he said, "Be quiet, we're watch a movie!"

I fought off the urge to beat his face in.

After finishing the snacks I bought, a person sitting in the same row I'm at got up and starts moving through saying, "Move, move, excuse me happy?, out of the way!"

That fat blob squeezed though the half of the row and what made it horrific is that he's was moving to my direction!

After crushing me and several other moviegoers seated in side of the row, he let out a huge fart and the smell...oh god!

It's hard to imagine how worse it could have been had that blob let it out a moment too soon...I thought I was going to die from methane poisoning and not to mention the yuppie right next to me threw up on the person seated in front of him. Afterward not only I had to deal with the fart smell, I lived through the vomit smell as well.

The guy got up and yelled, "What the hell? You son of a bitch I'm gonna kill you!"

Then the two idiots got into a fight and one of them fell on me...thankfully the security arrived and dragged them out of the room. I thought that the debacle is finally over and how I can finally relax when some people in the room started to scream...it hurts my ears!

Then came the climax when the character Dennis gets chased by group of women wearing all back and the audience were freaking out, moments later I find myself covered with soda, milk duds, and popcorn...that asshole in front of me really need to calm down.



I can't stand people sometimes, seriously!

Once it's over, everyone started to leave and I got up as well wondering why people made a huge fuss about this movie, I mean "Sixth Sense" is a more superior "horror" film in many ways and this on the other hand...nothing more but something borrowed from the "Blair Witch Project". It's been a long night and soon something really freaky happens.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned to see a young teenage girl with brown hair and brown eyes who is about at least 14 years old.

She asked me, "Do you believe in ghosts?"

I said, "Well a little, just that some of the accounts might have been a bunch of made up bull crap but I do believe that there are some that are not the case."

Then there's a disappointed look on her face and said, "Okay."

As I was being pushed away but some moviegoers telling me to "Move it!", the girl then glides to a young couple and starts asking them the same question. I wasn't able to see what was going on as I was caught in the crowd and heard a loud high-pitched scream. Ever since that day, those young couple would become known as the people who crapped on the movie floor because they claimed that had seen a ghost. Granted no one believed them despite the pale look of their faces but still...really?

It took few days for that to spread because some guy happened to have a iPod with him and recorded them with excrement on the floor and upload it to YouTube. Needless to say, those people are crazy, I mean really? Ghost in a movie theater? I really wonder if they have been taking some drugs during the film.

I bet next thing they'll be doing is claiming that they owned a chupacabra in a ranch or rode a moth man to work.

Nice try, but still it made my night!

Posted by Idiot-Finder - September 12th, 2011

"I heard about what happened last night, I never thought Jim would do such a thing, I thought he was just stressed out!" said the bartender.

I was drinking a pint of beer only to spit some of it out when a news starts broadcasting a report about a cross dresser arrested in Boston for throwing soiled tampons at the police. Needless to say, this is one of the most random things I have ever seen. Also there's a report about some disturbing finds in Jim's room at the inn...

"Do you think the police will catch him?" I asked.

"The hell I know," he said.

I looked out of the window and notice the sky is getting darker.

"Night already? It was morning a while ago!" I said.

"It's already evening when you got in, you must have slept through the entire day from being out all night!" said the bartender.

I looked out again.

"I couldn't sleep last night...but this is crazy!" I said.

Then a woman enter came into the bar and seeing a chance to pick her up, I went over to her and said, "Hey, do yo-"


"Then what the hell are you doing in my bar?" the bartender asked.

She said, "I'M HERE TO SHUT DOWN THIS VILE PLACE AS YOU MALE PI-" as I punched her in the face.


Then she left and that's when I learn that third time is not the charm.

"God I hate those kind of people!" said the bartender.

"Tell me about it, I believe in women's rights and didn't mind feminists and all but...feminazis on the other hand...what's up with them?" I said.

I left the bar and saw an old man on a wheelchair struggling to get to the sidewalk.

"You do need help?" I asked.

"Thank you, thank you, just push it a little bit and I'll be on my way." he said

I carefully pushed the wheelchair to the sidewalk.

He waved to me and left.

Later that night on the news, the police raided Jim's police and found signs of struggle in the living room. The neighbor complained about the stench in the yard and that's when the police found the bodies of his wife and two kids buried in the garden. Being that the guy I have encountered is not only a complete psycho, but also a murderer to boot, it's hard to believe that guy had been staying in a room next to mine.

Taking no chances, I took out a gun and checked the ammo.

"Just five bullets...five bullets...oh c'mon!"

I picked up gun stole from a would-be school shooter last month and checked, it's loaded. I decided to go with this, with a psychotic killer on the loose, I'd rather be safe than sorry since who know when he would show up.

I went out with that silho again and after telling Andvaka about what happened at the bar...

"You shouldn't hit her like that!" it said.

I said, "I had to, she was yelling and besides, but punching her in the face I'm treating her equ-"

"No that's not it, if she tried to attack you then it would have been okay to hit back!"


I laughed a bit and I agreed with Andvaka.

As we started to continue further, I notice someone following me.

"Yes I know Vodka (a nickname I came up for Andvaka), someone's follow us!" I said.

"No, he's following you!"

"Whatever, whoever he is...wait...is it who I think it is?"

I turned and see Jim holding a machete and said, "You have ruined everything, I wi-"

I cut him off saying, "I didn't do that, you did it to yourself, and not to mention..."

I kicked the machete out of his hand and slammed him to the ground, bashing his head repeatedly until Andvaka told me to stop. Then I went to the payphone, call the police, and wait until they arrive to pick him up. I thought it was over until...


A group of women holding pickets and torches came towards me.

"Oh, you guys," I said.


Then a blast of bright light appears from behind me and I heard a female voice from before.

"Stop this at once!" she yelled.

Soon all the crazy feminists stopped with shocked look on each of their faces.


"It can't be possible..."

"It's our goddess...Andvaka..."

The last comment took be by surprise...that silho with me is a deity?

Then the leader of the group stammered a bit and once she regained some of her composure, she then said, "For years we've been awaiting your arrival to exterminate all men...but why are you with that guy?"

Then Andvaka answers, "I am not a goddess nor I will exterminate all males as the true reason I came here is to observe this world!"

Then one of the other crazy feminist said, "But the prophecy said that you will appear in this world and kill all men so that we will take over the world and live in harmony for eternity!"

Yes she actually believed that, cuckoo!

Then Andvaka said, "Do you really believe that? It's written by one of your own in order to get all of you to follow her, I will never do suck thing!"

All the feminists turned to look at the crazy lazy.

I turned around to look and saw a valkyrie floating right behind me.


I could say anything because I was terrified, it reminds me of a video game I played.

The feminists starts yelling at their leader and how she claimed to have done research on the library, guess she didn't do enough. Afterward they left as their crazy leader lies on the ground beaten and screaming like a maniac.

"All you people are flawed beings, however you have shown me the interesting aspect of this part of your world and for that I thank you." said Andvaka.

I was still speechless...

"Hopefully we will meet again, as of now farewell!" she said.

Then she disappears.

I return to the inn and in my room there's a message on the table.

"So what does it say?" the bartender asked.

"It turns out that there were many other like her send to other cities to observe us or something, guess they're interested in us...I don't know," I said.

Then I continued, "In this letter she also said that someone in charge of where she's from was planning to establish a relation with our world, it is interesting."

The bartender chuckled and said, "What a story you got there and not to mention you didn't bring the letter as a proof."

"I told you, it was blown away by the wind, what can I do?" I said.

Then I took out a pendant from my pocket and said, "She also left me this, check it out!"

The bartender took a look and said, "Where did you get that? That stone is Alexandrite! They have been mined out long time ago!"

"See?" I said.

"Still doesn't mean anything, anyway are you going to drink that? You have been sitting here ever since you ordered, we don't allow people to waste good beer!"

After finish drinking a mug of beer, I left the bar and it's still dawn.

I was lucky the bar was open that early due to the bartender's relatives from Ireland coming to visit. I return to the inn (yet again) and tried to sleep...with same results. It's already few days since I last slept and I'm feeling light headed.

I can't take it anymore!

Posted by Idiot-Finder - September 5th, 2011

Later that night as Andvaka and I were out checking out the places we didn't went to, there's a nightclub down several blocks from the inn. Knowing that I won't be able to get in since I didn't have an invitation or a reservation for that matter, I thought it would be a good idea to take a peek of what went on. However there's a long line and to my surprise something caught my eye, it's the guy who claimed that he needed sleep so he could work. First the suspicious looking woman from the night before and now this?

What kind of game is that guy playing? Turns out he's actually fooling around!

"Is there something wrong?" asked Andvaka.

"Yes there is, something about that guy seemed suspicious..." I said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Right now, I don't know."

Then remembering the bartender's advice about how I should get a girl, I figured that this could be the perfect opportunity to ask one out. I told Andvaka to stay for a bit and walk slowly toward one of the girls near the night club. She's a real beauty and with that I started to grow nervous until I took several deep breaths to calm myself down before proceeding.

"Hey, are these your friends?" I asked.

"Um...no?" she said.

"So you're available!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested!"

Then she walks away...

Being that it's my first try, I shrugged it off and went my way.

"It didn't work out did it?" Andvaka said.

"Yeah, I still have plenty of time so it's no big deal." I said.

After traveling to certain parts of the city...we got lost.

"Dennis, I can lead us back t-"

"No I'm good, just give me time and I'll find a way back to the inn."

"Whatever you say."

However after time passed, I have no idea where to go so I tried a shortcut hoping that I'll luck out from there. Surprisingly I ended up finding the farm which for some reason looked familiar, at that point I had no idea why.

"What is this place?" asked Andvaka.

"It's a farm, for an odd reason I have a feeling I been here before...I don't know why." I said.

I decided to take a look around the farm and since the farmer's obviously sleeping, I figured that it's safe to do so as long I sneak in quietly. I saw several cows sleeping and for laughs I tipped some of them, it's really funny. Then there's a large brown horse lying on the ground sideways, seemingly dead. I picked up a giant tree branch from the ground and start poking the horse several times with no response whatsoever. Andvaka starts shaking it's head and said, "What you're doing is mean, you will end up facing consequences for your behavior!"

"It's just a dead horse and I'm going to beat it a bit, what's the worse that can happen?" I said.

I kicked the horse and all of a sudden it got up and made a screeching noise.

"What the hell it's alive!" I yelled.

Then I heard someone rushing out of the house and a shotgun cocking...

"You city folk just wouldn't give up!" the farmer screamed.

"I warned you!" said Andvaka.

"No time to bring it up, let's get the hell out of here!" I yelled.

A piece of tree branch was blown off in front of me and could hear the farmer yelling from the further distance.

"Damn you city folk, you never give up!"

After running for about a mile non-stop, I collapsed to the ground due to sheer exhaustion with a coughing fit.

"You had it coming for this reckless behavior, you could have been killed!" said Andvaka.

At that point, I started to notice that Andvaka's voice sounded like a woman with a mysterious tone. I was too exhausted to turn to look at the sleep silhouette so I had no idea what was going on at that time. After spending several minutes catching my breath, I got up and realize that the farm is the same one I went to few months ago where I beat a farmer's beloved dead horse...yeah it was a fun time indeed, really pissed him off. Knowing this, I was able to remember the direction to the hotel I used to stay in, the inn isn't far from here!

"I remember now, see I told you I could find our way back to the inn!" I said.

Andvaka didn't say anything...

I sighed and said, "Let's go!"

Upon entering the inn, I noticed the three clowns from before were looking at me and I asked Andvaka, "What's with those guys? Are they waiting for me?"

"They have been stalking you for a while, you better keep your eye on them." it said.

"Okay thanks, so are you still angry about what happened?"

"Please don't do this again, I can't let you off if you do this again as long I'm here!"


For some reason I was starting to get a bit freaked out...until I heard some familiar voices.

"It's a great night, same time tomorrow?" woman said.

"That's one hell of a party, ha, ha, ha, yeah same time tom-"

"Hey, what an awkward time to meet huh?" I said.

Then the guy who stays in the room next to mine said, "Listen, I have a day off okay, it's no-"

"Is that your wife?" I said, pointing to the woman he's with.

"No, why?"

"I probably would have believed the bull crap but the ring you're wearing gave it away!"

The woman looked at him and said, "You're married? I'm out!"

The man turned to me and said, "Listen, it's not what it looks like...don't tell anyone okay? Please..."

I shrugged and said, "You had it coming anyway,"

I don't know his wife so there's no way I could have contacted her but I decided to mess with him a bit so that way he'll rush to his family and fess up. But however he charged toward me and I quickly got out of the way, only to trip on one of those lounge chairs at the lobby. The receptionist at the lobby was watching us and said, "Hey no fighting!"

The crazy dude turned to her and said, "Shut up bitch or I'll fuck you up!"

He really snapped big time.

I got up and said, "Dude, calm down, you're making it wo-"

"Shut the fuck up! You're not going to tell anyone because I will fucking kill you like what I did to my wife!"

Then there's minutes of awkward silence...

The receptionist started to pick up the phone and the psycho started to walk towards her.

"Dennis, why aren't you doing anything about this?" asked Andvaka.

I said, "I would have fought back but I don't think you'd be happy si-"

"I'll let this one slide, stop this guy!"

"Okay, whatever you say..."

Then I mumbled, "Bitch," under my breath.

I drop kicked the guy and body slammed him.

"Get up, I'm just warming up!" I said and cracked my fists.

But then he got up and said, "Fuck this, I'm out of here!"

Then he ran off.

"Did you call the police?" I asked the receptionist.

"Yes and they'll be on their way!" she said.

"Thanks, hopefully the psycho will get caught...so anyway, are you married?"

"Um...no, why?"

"How about you and me tomorrow night, we could go out an-"

"Sorry, not interested and please leave me alone, I have a job to do!"

I walked back to the room with a stinging pain of failure on the left side of my face...

Posted by Idiot-Finder - September 4th, 2011

I was still tired from what happened the other night. I mean it's been few days since I first met Andvaka and even then it took me some time to get used to it appearing randomly out of nowhere at night, it made me jump every time. All day long I have been yawning and took a nap at the park bench, hoping to relax for a bit knowing that I'll be seeing Andvaka again. I woke up when a fly went buzzing by my each and I freaked out.

I made my way back to the inn and saw the person from the bar walking into a room next to mine with a scantily clad woman. As much as I don't want to rush to conclusion, something about this struck me as suspicious, especially after remembering that there's a wedding ring on his hand when he tried to attack me at the bar. I was going to ask him if the woman is his wife but decided against it since who knows how he'd react being a possible psycho and all.

I ignored what I saw and proceed to enter my room.

I turn on the television and saw that there's a marathon of "1,000 Ways to Die!" is on. While some people might find it offensive and horrifying, I really don't see it that way since the shows have been portraying victims in hilariously ridiculously unsympathetic manners. I mean come on, the segments are cartoonish, how can anyone not laugh at that?

Anyway, I drank a can of "Monster" energy drink and waited.

"This is going to be a long night!" I yawned.

Then Andvaka appears and said, "It's time to go and show me around."

I jumped and said, "You really need to stop doing that, okay let's go!"

I looked at the clock and it's almost three in the morning.

Andvaka changed into a small floating orb and we left the inn for a tour of the city. Despite being in Minneapolis for several months, I'm still not familiar with the place so I decided to play it safe by covering the areas I have been to. As I walked, I saw three people looking at me strangely and I said, "What are you looking at?"

Maybe I should have been more polite but...never mind.

One of the people points right at me and said, "That small floating orb..."

"What is that?" the other asked.

I knew Andvaka isn't doing a good job concealing itself, that idiot!

I pretended that I didn't know what they're talking about and said, "What are you talking about? What orb?"

"Don't you see it? It's floating right next to you!" one of them said.

"Wait...Marty, what if this guy has a connection to the orb!" the other said.

"Holy dancing bananas, you're right Leonard!"

"Let's get out of here before this guy does something to us!" said the third guy.

Then they fled.

"What is this all about?" Andvaka asked.

"You." I said.

While showing some places including the warehouse where the idiots from the high school used to meet at, Target Field, Metrodome Stadium (now I know why this stadium have developed a bad reputation), and some random places.

"This city in your world is impressive." said Andvaka.

"New York is better," I said.

"Really? How so?"

"I live there."

After awhile I was ready to go back to the inn when a gang of black guys came up to me. I turned my head to see if Andvaka's there but that silho's nowhere to be seen...

It's okay, I hid myself inside you, maybe they'll walk away after seeing I'm not with you right? The other guys did came because they saw me...

"I don't think it's the case this time..." I said.

But then surprisingly one of them placed a stereo to the ground and pushed the play button where a hip-hop song burst out in high volume. Immediately the entire gang break into dancing like they're in "Soul Train".

After several series of dance moves, the song ends and one of them said, "You got served!"

Then the other said, "You can't beat that sucka!"

They took the stereo and left.

What happened?

"I think we just got served..." I said.

Is it a dancing ritual?

"Well you could say that...and one of the lamest crimes ever committed!"

Eventually the sky started to lighten up and I knew it's near dawn.

Andvaka appears and said, "It's been great, we'll meet again tomorrow!"

Then it disappeared.

I made my way back to the inn where I went to take a shower and went to bed.

"And that's what happened that night!" I said.

"Your stories are getting even more ridiculous by each time your telling me!" said the bartender.

"Why didn't you believe me?" I asked.

"Do you expect anyone to believe you?"

"Good point..."

I stretched my arms and yawned.

"This is the twelfth time you yawned, you haven't gotten any sleep have you?" asked the bartender.

"Just a little, but the song from the stereo last night kept ringing in my head, I couldn't sleep!" I said.

"Just get some sleep and with luck maybe that silhouette won't bother you in your dreams."

I notice the sarcastic tone but I shrugged and left the bar. As soon as I step out of the door, I accidentally bumped into someone and said, "Sorry about that, it wont...hap..."

I looked up and recognize the person as the guy who whined about not being able to sleep because of the noise I made at the inn.


Then he shoved me out of the way saying, "You're lucky that I'm in a good mood since you didn't make any noise last night, better keep it up or I will make your life miserable you dink!"

I thought about asking him about the woman he was with but thought better of it since it's best if I don't provoke him for a time being. Also again with "dink"? Really? I wonder if he's going to realize that's a very lame insult.

The song was still ringing in my head as I went back to the inn, damn it South Park!

Posted by Idiot-Finder - September 1st, 2011

"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked up and saw the bartender wiping a glass mug.

"Yeah I'm okay...well not really, it happened again..." I said.

"Figures, you better not be dozing off in my bar or I'll have to throw you out!"

I took a drink from my mug and said, "You know, there's something weird about all this."

"From all the stories I've heard, what makes yours any different from the rest?"

I told him what happened and how the mysterious figure said something before I passed out. By then the bartender starts looking at me like I did something stupid and said, "So you passed out when it started to say something...that's the darnedest thing I heard, guess your story is different from the others..."

"Yeah, but now that I'm starting to think about it, maybe it wanted to tell me something...what could it be?" I said.

"It's your problem, you deal with it yourself!"

Then as he started to leave to the kitchen, he stopped and said, "Another thing, you might want to get a girl so that way you won't become too lonely, trust me I know one guy who was like that."

"What happened?" I asked.

"They found him hanging by at the ceiling, he lived a lonely life, that poor fellow...used to be a regular here,"

"You know I'm from New York right? If I do get a girl, I doubt the relation would last on a long distance...not for me anyway."

"Don't sweat it, at least you'll have someone keeping you company for a while rather than whatever it is that shows up at night."

Later that evening, I went to a coffeehouse named after a character from "Moby Dick" and down several large cups of coffee. In order to know what the figure's after, I'll have to stay up as long as I can, also helped that I'm more of a night owl so in addition to that, I won't be sleeping until somewhere around next afternoon. Hours later while in the room, I paced back and forth for a long period of time waiting for the figure to show up. Even after several bathroom breaks due to all the coffee I drank, the figure had yet to show up even though it's already four in the morning at that point and I wasn't tried enough to sleep so I turn on the television.


I turned and saw the figure, causing me to jump a bit.

The figure went to touch me, I backed away and then it disappeared while making a loud screeching sound!

Later that morning at the local internet cafe, I went to look up the figure by typing "figure with spaghetti like arms and flaming eyes sightings" on Google. Several results turns up and the one that caught my eye is a link to "creepypasta" website titled "Sleep Silhouettes". I clicked on the link to check it out and once the page loads, a picture came up and it looked just like that figure I saw that night! Granted the picture is a bit fuzzy since it's a illustration of what one have seen but that's when I knew what that figure is. Oddly enough, when I read the description, it's said that their appearances are more related to sleep, such as when one has a sleep paralysis (which many have suspected the sightings to be). However, being that I was awake when it happened, either this is one of the exceptions or I was hallucinating.

Remembering that this is the second time I have encountered that "sleep silhouette", this is too much of a coincidence to be a figment of one's imagination. Knowing what I'm up against, I became well prepared for the next possible meeting. That night while waiting for the silhouette to show up, I passed the time by watching television and after several hours, I looked at the clock and it's three in the morning. Then suddenly with a sing-a-long voice, "Are you waiting for me?"

I jumped a little and soon I became excited...

"Finally...now to see if you're real!" I said.

I went forward and tried to touch the silhou but it disappears before I could reach it.

"What are you doing?" it said.

It reappears right next to the bed.

I dove across the bed to catch it but hit the wall in the process.


I got up rubbing my head when the silhou then appears right next to me and said, "Are you okay?"

I quickly tried to grab it but it vanished again and I fell over.

"Where the hell are you?" I said.

"Can you please stop? You're scaring me!" it said.

I chuckled and said, "Scaring you? After what you have been doing and I'm scaring you?"

I pulled off the cover from the bed and tried to catch the silhou only to see it appearing right on top of it instead. I tried to tackle it only to knock over a lamp and I juggled the lampshade for a bit before putting it right back.

"That was close!" I sighed.

"Please stop, you're being mean!" it said.

I sat on the bed and said, "So what are you?"

"I came from the land of the dreams, we would come to your world for a visit to see what your people are like."

"So why do you show up scaring everyone in the room?"

"I didn't mean to, your people have been running away every time I came!"

Then he asked me, "Why did you try to chase me?"

I sighed and said, "Well, some people thinks your appearances aren't real and when that happens, I couldn't be sure if the whole thing's a dream so I decided to try to catch you to see if you're real."

Then suddenly I felt a chill to my chest and I started to shiver.

"Your people do that whenever I came to the room..." it said.

"No actually, I get that all the time." I said.

Well it's true, that's just me.

Then I said, "How long are you going to be here? Since it is a visit..."

"I want you to show me some places and how your people work, once it's done I will return to my world!"

"Okay, still you freaked out a lot of people...you should try not to scare everyone even if they're all accidental,"

It laughed and said, "I can change shape and size..."

Then it shrinks into a small floating orange orb.

Impressed by this, I start clapping.

"Okay, I'll be your guide, just try not to stand out too much, we'll start tomorrow!"

"I'll be here, please don't freak out again!" it said.

"I'll try, so anyway...what's your name?" I asked.

"Andvaka, please to meet you! What's yours?"


Next day I told the bartender what happened that night with excitement.

"...and that's what happened that night, it's not very scary once you get to know it!" I said.

The bartender looked at me and said, "Have you been taking drugs?"

"No, why?"

"Because this is the most unbelievable load of crap I have ever heard in my life, you're telling me that this thing wants to go sightseeing? I'll be damned if it wants to go to the Twins game!" he laughed.

Then I heard someone rushing into the bar and shoved me from behind. I got up and turn around and see the guy from days before!

"You dink, what the fuck with the ruckus last night? I couldn't fucking sleep and I got late again!" he screamed.

"Dink? Again with that lame insult? Seriously who the heck calls people 'dink'? No offense but are you gay?" I said.

Then he pushed me and said, "Shut the fuck up you dink! Ima kill you right now, I hate dinks like you!"

"What the hell's eating your grapes?"

"Stop calling me gay you dink!"

"Wait a minute, I didn't say that yo-"

"Shut up you fucking dink!"

Then he grabbed my shirt and I clenched my fists, ready to fight back when the bartender said, "Alright bud, you better get lost or I'm calling the police!"

Soon the crazy psycho let go and stormed out of the bar.

"You better watch out for this guy, he's a lunatic!" said the bartender.

"I can see that," I said.

Posted by Idiot-Finder - August 30th, 2011

I was staring at a plate of scary looking pasta and for some reason I couldn't force myself to eat it.

"Waiter, what is this?" I asked.

"It's our special you ordered!" he replied.

I took another look at the pasta and while it's just plain pasta covered with tomato sauce, something about it creeped me out. I tasted the pasta and there's nothing special, it's the same as the ones you can find at the pizzeria. Granted I was still creeped out by the pasta but I was hungry so I finished the plate, paid the tab and left.

Later that night when I was ready to go to bed, I turned off the light and something caught my eye...for a brief moment I saw a strange figure but it vanished after just few seconds. Figuring that I might have been seeing things, I went to bed. After having bout of strange nightmares, I tried to wake up but for some reason I wasn't able to move my body and could barely open my eyes for few seconds and soon afterward, I fell back asleep.

Later I woke up and this time I was able to move my body and felt better, but when I turn to the right side, that same figure I saw that night was lying right next to me. It's an orange red shadowy figure with eyes which resembles fireballs and have spaghetti-like limbs.


Later that morning I was at the bar staring at a mug of beer when the bartender came and said, "Hey if you're gonna sit here at least drink the damn thing, you ordered it for that reason and I'm ain't gonna tolerate people who waste beer!"

"Sorry about that, just that something weird happened last night, I couldn't sleep the rest of the way..." I said.

"A girl dumped you I see,"

"No, it's not that...trust me it's hard to believe..."

"What is it then?"

I told him about the strange ghostly figure from the night before and then he puts the mug he was cleaning down and said, "You too huh?"

"Wha...you mean..."

"I have customers telling me the same stories left and right, I'm not sure if they're on drugs but maybe something's up, I don't know."

I was almost half way through the mug when I asked him if there were people screaming when it happened.

"The hell I know, they never told me although I heard that there's a lady screaming in the inn las...wait, that was you?" he said.

Then suddenly I noticed someone towering right behind me and then...

"So you're that punk who woke me up last night!" he growled.

I put down the mug and said, "Look, I'm sorry about what happened but yo-"

"Shut the hell up you dink, because of you I was late for work, do you realize how important this is? If I arrive late again my chance of getting a promotion will drop and I will murder you for this!" he yelled.

But something bothered me...

"Dink? I think you mean 'dick', if you're going to insult me then get it right, calling someone a 'dink' is almost as bad as A.J. Burnett's pitching, I mean really!" I said.

"Shut up you dink!"

After that he quickly walked away steaming mad.

"Is he gay?" I asked.

The bartender gave me a weird look and shrugged.

An hour later I left the bar and saw a familiar face.

"Hey Victor, how it is going?" I yelled.

"Nothing much, class is starting tomorrow but not that it mattered since you don't go to this school!" he said.

"I know, just want to let you know, don't let those ungrateful bastards get to you!"

"I won't, thanks!"

Then we part ways.

Later that night, I was up waiting for that creepy figure to show up while holding a bottle of seltzer water as a weapon to put it out since it's was flaming. I figured guns would be useless so I didn't bother to arm myself and started to have second thoughts regarding that. Looking at the clock, it was three in the morning and I started to feel tired so I thought that maybe it's all a dream despite the accounts from the bartender's customers.

"He's probably trying to scare me," I yawned.

I went to bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Next morning I got up and it's still dark...and then I heard a soft child-like voice whispering something to me...


I froze for a moment and looked back...it's that figure from the night before!

It started to wave it's arms and said, "Wait please...don-"

I fainted.