View Profile Idiot-Finder
I want the funky chicken.

Age 37, Male


some boring ass school

New York,NY

Joined on 8/29/02

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You May Be Right

Posted by Idiot-Finder - June 27th, 2013

Knowing that the members of the Westboro Baptist Church will continue to persue me, I decided to call Peter and tell him that I agree to join, especially since his team could help me deal with the Westboro situation. The private detective told me to wait for them at the location that I can't tell you, but it's not far from where I live anyway so it didn't take long for me to get there. Once the van arrived, Peter welcomed me and told me that the people from the WBC aren't likely to rest until they finally eliminate me. It started to sound like something out of a spy movie but I know he's right, considering that the crazies from the WBC went through the trouble to find me, something had to be done. Not to mention the fact that I have enough problems of my own, might as well just get this over with.

As we were being briefed on the conspiracy that is taking place, two people were send to take some pictures inside a building in order to find something that might expose whatever what was going on, to be honest, I wasn't paying attention during the briefing.

"Dennis? Dennis? Are you paying attention?" Peter said.

"Um, yeah..." I said.

"Okay, you need to deal with your little problem first before you can help us solve the problems we have been dealing with for some time."

Then a man with a offensive features comes up and said, "I'rr herp him!"

For some reason I felt offended...

Peter sighed and said, "Are you sure Wong Chen? I know this guy and believe me, you're not the kind of per-"

"No, it's okay." I said.

"Are you sure? Remember what happened last time when you came across that..."

"I know but he's with us right? It can't be that bad, the sooner we deal with WBC, the better." I said.

"Plus, the caricature couldn't be horribly inept can he?" I continued.

Peter said, "Well, he's isn't inept but..."

Then Wong Chen said, "See? Not ineept!"

I was in a hurry to finish this but...I would come to regret this.

They send someone to trail one of the WBC members for a while and it was discovered that they stay in a glass house somewhere in the woods close to the greenway. We entered the greenway as joggers and followed the path for few miles until the spy pointed to the opening in the woods right next to the road before leaving, telling us good luck on our mission. Wong Chen started to fidget so I entered first and there's a dirt trail that led us to what seems to be a garden, I mean there's a rose bush decorated along the path way to the glass house.

"Who the heck built that? More importantly, who in a right mind would live in that?" I said.

Believe me, it's not even a green house, it's basically a typical house, except it's made of glass, even if it's plexiglas it still wouldn't make it any less ridiculous.

But then, Wong Chen said, "Grass stlong?" and picked up a rock.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Without answering, he made a weak throw at the glass house, causing the rock to bounce harmlessly off the side. Be both stood there without saying anything until Wong Chen giggled like an underaged school girl model and I told him to shut up. Then we heard someone talking and quickly hid behind the tree, only for Wong Chen to try to push me and said, "Give you up I hide!"

I went to hide behind another tree and waited...

Once the group of people walked by, I peered from the side of the tree and recognized the same people whom I met in China town, they would be in for a surprise. As soon as they tried to unlock the door, the entire building shattered into pieces and Wong Chen jumped out and pointed at me.

"HIM! HIM!" he screamed.

"You bastard!" I yelled but before I could beat the crap out of that stupid asshole, the WBC members ganged up on me.

"So it's not enough for you to tarnish our dignity isn't it?" one of them said.

"How'd you know where we camp out?" the other asked.

"Faggot!" other snorted like a retarded inbred hillbilly (which I think he is).

Without answering, I kicked the shortest member of the gang, hopped over him, and took off into the woods. I could hear them giving chase as the shouts and he heard from anyone around this area. While I swore to myself that I would kill Wong Chen (or at least put him into coma), I stumbled, fell, and rolled right down the hill before hitting the fence. I got up and saw one of the golfers looking at me and he asked me if I was okay and I answered, "Yeah...I guess." The golfer then said, "Looks like you're having quite an adventure."

"You could say that."

"Mind if you look for the ball? I hit it over the fence and it landed just as you came in." the golfer asked.

I found the ball right beside the tree so I picked it up and threw it back to him.

"Thanks!" he said.

"Okay...gotta go!" I said before running off as I heard the WBC members shouting nearby.

To think that we're supposed to observe the activity and even sneak into the building once the WBC members leave so we can find whatever information we can and report it to Peter. That way, the private investigator can find a way to use the information against them, but instead, it turned into a fiasco like the Yankees west coast trip...all because that stupid idiot had to test the glass house by chucking a freaking rock!

Deep into the woods, I took me a while but I was able to lose the WBC members. However, at the same time I would end up lost as well, it gave me a tough time as I had no idea where I was yet again. For a moment I thought I heard someone running right behind me and I turned, only to see one one was there until I heard someone whispering, "I will get you!"

Spooked, I said, "Slenderman, is that you?"

No answer.

I decided to go straight since I figure that if I change direction at any given time, I might wind up walking around in circles. After walking for about several miles without any progress, I finally decided to turn and as I would soon realize, I was near the edge of the woods the whole time. Had I turned earlier, I would have been out much sooner, what a pointless waste of time.

After finding a familiar place, I knew where to head to.

Either way, I decided that if I see Wong Chen again, there's absolutely no way I'm going to let that bastard off the hook. Not only that he has some traits of an offensive stereotype, he's also a backstabber to boot. I was too busy think up ways to injure or even kill Wong Chen when I accidentally bumped into one of the thugs hanging out near the other entrance of Forest Park. They started to yell at me and before I finally realize what just happened, someone hit me from behind and then the rest of the group went to beat me up.

After that was over, I began to crawl my way back home while swearing revenge as it started to rain.


Story is interesting, I shall wait for more!

Please do :)