Usher corners Justin Bieber and said...
"Yo, I ain't seeing you in a minute, but I got something to tell ya, listen."
Bieber said, "Then why are you coming toward me in a very aggressive man-" as Usher puts his finger onto his lips.
See the thing about you that caught my eye
Is the same thing that makes me change my mind
Kinda hard to explain, but girl, I'll try,
You need to sit down this may take a while
See this girl, she sorta looks just like you
She even smiles just the way you do
So innocent she seemed but I was fooled
I'm reminded when I look at you.
Bieber became confused and said, "What are you talking about?"
Usher responds, "You remind me of a girl that I once knew..."
Bieber started to blush as Usher explains how he became enamored with him at the first glance. Then soon, the two began to kiss and then Bieber made a huge cry, "Oh baby, baby, baby..."
Once the two part ways, Bieber heads to the stage as Usher suddenly changes his mind and said, "You may remind me of that girl that I once knew, but you're different!"
Bieber turns toward Usher and said, "You are the one for me!"
Then the couple started a long term relationship that would last for a week when it would end because Usher finally realizes that the kid reminds him of a girl he once knew a little too much so he decided that it's for the best that he would be connected with Bieber in other ways.
I feel sorry for Usher - the dude's got some miles on him in the entertainment game, and should know himself better. Ah, but such is the nature of love: a phantom mirage one chases, based solely on those ill used emotions.... better to have love and lost, than never to have loved at all. At least it wasn't an internet fixation.
I know, being that Usher was the one who helped unleashed Bieber into the society, I wouldn't be surprised if this is what happened.