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I want the funky chicken.

Age 37, Male


some boring ass school

New York,NY

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Intermission #29: Saving the story of JJ

Posted by Idiot-Finder - April 22nd, 2012

Note: The story was originally posted by "CloseThyDoor" hoping to draw some attention. When I came into this thread, I went to write what would become a part of the continuation of a racist story.
Contributors - CloseThyDoor, Idiot-Finder, Dromedary, DirtyMeatball, and ManlyChicken.

Part 1:

Students, please settle down, we got a new student here, his name is JJ.

We all stared at JJ seeing as he was the only black kid in our class. The teacher knew what had to be done so he told JJ to stand in the middle of the room. JJ walked over and stood in the center of the classroom with his baggy jeans hanging down.

The teacher was kind enough to put his hands on his own mouth and start doing that rap thing, you know that "phsh cuh psh chus phsh cuh" noise.

Then we all stood up and gathered around a big giant circle and began snapping our fingers. JJ was in shock and dropped his text book. Next thing you know we all start singing, "looking like a fool with dem pants on the ground" "dem pants on the ground, looking like a fool with dem pants on the ground"

Then we all started swinging our arms from side to side and making monkey noises

"ooohohohohohoh" we called.

After all this happened we sat down in our seats and acted like nothing happened. JJ sat down without saying a word.

Part 2:

An hour later, as the kids became restless due to those boring lectures, one of the kid named Tommy jumped up and pounced onto JJ.

"Yo, what are you doing?" said JJ.

"I saw this on a movie, I want to try it out!" Tommy yelled.

Rest of the class got out from their seats and circled around the two while the teacher took out an iPod to watch a downloaded episode of "School Days".

As it happened, Tommy pulled down his pants and ripped JJ's cloths into shreds.

"N-no...please!" JJ stammered.

"Shaddup bitch!" yelled Tommy.

All the students began to chant, "Do it! do it!"

Tommy proceeded to plunge his penis right into JJ's rectum, penetrating it until the hole became filled up with the "white stuff".

JJ tried to scream, only to have series of orgasmic sounds coming out of his mouth instead and said, "More!"

However, Tommy was done so the rest of the male students each took his turn making love with JJ. At one point there were two boys sucking JJ's nipples while another was straddling him by his back. The girls all covered their faces with their hands while sneaking a peak at the same time.

It went on until the bell rang.

Part 3:

"No! Please, stay with me for a while longer!" cried JJ, who had grown accustomed to the physical abuse of his peers. But it was no use, the bell's ring meant the schools compulsory daily reflection period had started. All the children were required to go and sit in their designated 2x2 metre square, which was marked out on the concrete yard at the back of the school. It was JJ's first reflection period, and he was unsure what to expect.

In a daze, JJ stumbled out of the classroom, into the yard, and collapsed in his designated square. As the puddle of all the bodily fluids shared earlier grew rapidly around JJ, he tried to be like the others. He tried to reflect. It was hopeless! All he could think about was Tommy and the other boys, and the passionate moment they had shared minutes earlier. How could they all have stopped caring about it so soon, thought JJ, in despair. He knew what he had to do.

Shakily rising to his feet, he glanced around the yard, looking for Tommy. After a minute of searching, he found what he was looking for. The bright red mop of hair that belonged to Tommy. The hair of the boy he was sure he loved. Ignoring his aching body parts, JJ staggered towards Tommy's square. Then the alarms started going off.

"Stop! You'll kill us all!" screamed Tommy, in an attempt to coax JJ back into his square. "I'm coming, my love!" cried JJ, gathering speed the whole time. He was closing in, inch after inch, metre after metre. He was in arms reach, and lunged out, to stroke Tommy's hair once more, but was enveloped in a blinding light, and surrounded by gale force winds. JJ managed to grab Tommy's hand, just before he uttered the words "It was worth it." That was the last thing JJ ever thought.

And that's the story of Hiroshima.
Part 4:

said Grandpa JJ, throwing his arms in the air after presenting the story of his boyhood to his grandchildren. Many of them had left out of fear, but little Ryan Seacrest was intrigued. He sat staring and Grandpa, jaw and eyes open, barely able to believe something so astounding could have truly taken place. "Did that all really happen, Grandpa?" said Ryan Seacrest inquisitively. "Why yes it did" said Grandpa triumphantly. "Ol' gramps wouldn't lie to you, would he Ryan?". Ryan Seacrest's eyes lit up. "Grandpa...do you think I could be like you one day?". Grandpa JJ patted Ryan on the head with a thoughtful look on his face for a few seconds, and answered. "Yes, Ryan. In fact, I think one day you might take even more dicks than I did, just as long as you believe." Ryan looked up into his Grandpa's eyes in silence. "I believe."

Part 5:

Ryan went to his bright pink Honda with his pants bulging.
"Man, some day, I'm gonna suck more dicks than grampa!" he though aloud "He'll see. They'll all see!"
Just then a black man approached him...

Part 6:

"I was born a poor black man." said Ryan.

"I know...from the bottom of my heart!" said the black guy.

As they undressed, the two lovers proceed to have sex in the parking lot at broad daylight. Many onlookers stood there in awe as two men were consummating their relationship. But then a purple creature carrying a purse jumped into the fray yelling, "Tinkywinky!"

It became a threesome!

Soon Flozell Adams, the Boston Red Sox, the Chargers fans, some of the players from the Philadelphia Eagles and their entire fan base came in to join the fun.

The day would be known as the day in which the largest "sausage-fest" have occurred. But Ryan Seacrest would regret having an unwanted harem as it would haunt him for the rest of his life...


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