Here's my theory regarding the Trayvon Zimmerman incident.
One day a teenager named Trayvon Martin was on his way home late at night when he noticed a van following him. Creeped out by this, he took out a cell phone to call his girlfriend.
"Hello?" said Deedee.
"Yo, Deedee, some weird guy's following me for a while now...what should I do?" said Martin.
"Run...just run!"
As Martin was ready to move, a bald whitish-Hispanic guy up to him and said, "Are you looking for trouble kid?"
Terrified, Martin said, "N-no,"
"Okay, just ch-is that Skittles?"
"Yes, why you ask?"
"Can I have some?"
"Can I please have some?"
Amazed by the man's persistence, Martin sighed and said, "No, these are mine, get your own!"
Upset, the man said, "C'mon, don't be like that, it's important to share!"
Annoyed, Martin said, "You know what, fine!"
He took a piece of candy from the bag and threw it at the man's head.
"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" the man yelled.
"Here's another one!"
"And another..."
The man picked up some of the Skittles thrown at him and threw it right back at Martin.
"OW! YOU MOTHAFUCKA!" the kid yelled.
"Then stop attacking me!" said the man.
Martin leaped into the air, performed a somersault before landing right behind the man and grabbed him from behind.
"Hey...let go of me!"
"The hell with you, I'm standing mah ground!"
Soon Martin carried the man as he leap hundreds of meters into the air before diving head first...
Frightened, the man yelled, "YOU FOOL, YOU'RE GONNA GET US KILLED!"
Two bodies slammed into the ground, causing a small earthquake and once the dust cleared, Martin was on top of the man. Once he got up, Martin thought the victory is assured and started to walk away in triumph when something went wrong...his body frozed...
The man behind him tossed a handful of Skittles that Martin dropped and a rainbow came right out, trapping the kid. The man said, "You're not going to get away you crook!"
Martin tried to break free to no avail.
He kept on screaming but no one came.
"It's over!" the man said as he took out a gun.
Last thing Martin felt was a sting before everything he saw blacked out.
George Zimmerman was a self-appointed leader of the neighborhood watch who had a massive craving for Skittles. He's also known for his temper due to the fact that he shares the same surname as a former Broncos left tackle whom he despised. Often when people hears his name, they would ask, "Zimmerman? You mean like Gary Zimmerman?" or "Are you related to Gary Zimmerman". It was pretty idiotic considering the fact that he wasn't white, just happened to be whitish-Hispanic...
Zimmerman's anger at people who mistook him for the person with a same surname once got him into trouble when a police officer said, "Hey, aren't you the guy who ate those gross stuff at the Travel Channel?"
"That's it!"
Then he went to throttle the cop before getting tazed from behind.
Anyway, one night Zimmerman was out in his vehicle following a suspicious looking teenager with a bottle of Arizona vodka and Skittles dust when he notice the kid pulled out a dangerous cell phone.
Zimmerman called the police and despite being told to stay put, the self-appointed leader of the neighborhood watch came out to follow the kid anyway.
"Are you looking for trouble kid?"
The terrified teenager said, "N-no,"
"Okay, just ch-is that Skittles?"
"Yes, why you ask?"
"Can I have some?"
"Can I please have some?"
"No, these are mine, get your own!"
Upset, the Zimmerman said, "C'mon, don't be like that, it's important to share!"
Annoyed, the teenager said, "You know what, fine!"
He took a piece of candy from the bag and threw it at Zimmerman's head.
"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" the Zimmerman yelled.
"Here's another one!"
"And another..."
Angrily, Zimmerman picked up some of the Skittles thrown at him and threw it right back at the thug.
"OW! YOU MOTHAFUCKA!" the kid yelled.
"Then stop attacking me!" said Zimmerman.
The teenager leaped into the air, performed a somersault before landing right behind surprised Zimmerman and grabbed him from behind.
"Hey...let go of me!" Zimmerman yelled.
"The hell with you, I'm standing mah ground!" said the teen.
Soon the teen carried Zimmerman as he leap hundreds of meters into the air before diving head first...
Frightened, Zimmerman yelled, "YOU FOOL, YOU'RE GONNA GET US KILLED!"
Zimmerman was knocked out upon impact and once the dust cleared, the teen was on top of him, cowboy style. Then he got up and started to walk away when the unconscious Zimmerman saw an old man yelling at him.
"Get up ya bum! You're not gonna give up and beat this sonofabitch 'cuz Mickey loves ya!"
Zimmerman snapped awake with a renewed sense of vigor. The leader of the neighborhood watch picked up some of the Skittles from the ground threw them at the teen. Suddenly the teen was unable to move as the light from the candies bound him to the ground by his feet.
"You're not going to get away you crook!" yelled Zimmerman.
The teen screamed for help, but no one came.
Zimmerman unload his pistol with a purple Skittle (the most disgusting piece to date) and fired it at the teen. A beam of rainbow shot out and a unicorn appeared flying toward the suspected thug.
The teen's screaming stopped as the horn stuck right through his chest.
Erotic version:
Trayvon Martin was on top of George Zimmerman with a dick up his rectum as he grabbed his own to shoot a splurge onto the latter's face.
"You like it don't ya bitch?" said Martin.
"It's nothing compare to what I will give you!" said Zimmerman.
After series of moaning and groaning, Martin began to scream in intense pleasure as his ass was being torn up by Zimmerman's enormous cock.
What really happened on the supposed drug dealing...
Trayvon Martin was behind the school building dealing bags of Skittles as he smoked Pocky and drank his Arizona vodka when a kid came up to him and said, "Why are you selling a bag of Skittles for fifty each?"
After puffing some chocolate covered Japanese dragon, Martin said, "There's a reason why homey, I laced them with Angel Dust!"
At home, Frank Leonard came home from work and as he opened the door, to his horror, several bodies of his family members were found lying on the floor covered with blood!
Shocked with horror, he saw his wife coughing with a fifty ton metal beam sticking right through her chest.
"Honey! I'm right here! Speak to me...what happened?"
His wife coughed some more and said, "It's F-Fred..."
"Fred? What happened?"
Then she became motionless.
Frank looked up and saw his son Fred coming toward him.
"I'm...unstoppable..." said Fred as he walked towards him.
"Fred wait! It's me, dad! What happened?"
Fred ran to Frank and grabbed him in the face, lifting him up before slamming his head against the wall. Once it was over, the entire household became a bloody mess...
One day in NG BBS...
A bunch of users starts flaming each other...
I caught the first skittles scenario a week ago... the second version with unicorn impalement seems probable, but ballistics will have to check. The erotic version's kinda hard to swallow, unless they indeed both freaks who didn't care where they got it on.....
What really happened (version)? Yeah, that's the one. But in a state where recently dead ppl make the news and the old bones get pushed to page 19, well, the media like to stir the pot don't they? Beats trying to tell the government's story.
The aftermath: SSDD (same shit different day) on teh old BBS, only the names change and the flames whip another way.
Beats anything I read in the NY Times, homie.