View Profile Idiot-Finder
I want the funky chicken.

Age 37, Male


some boring ass school

New York,NY

Joined on 8/29/02

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Posted by Idiot-Finder - February 15th, 2011

I was out walking one night when I saw a group of women having some sort of demonstration. Wondering what they could be doing, I walk right to them and said, "Hey, what are you doing at this time of night?"

But then they all turned to me and one of them said, "You male pig, stay away from us or we'll..."

Then she took out a cleaver...

"What's your problem?" I said

"Problem? You people have been the source of all violence! You people have been the source of all diseases! You people are the cause of every problems in the world!" she said

That's when I came upon a realization...but to be sure I decided to ask them...

"Are you guys from that radical feminist group called 'Century of Womyn'?"

"Yes we are and don't call us guys you disgusting pig, all you people think about is sex!"

Then one of the other feminazi came and said "What should we do with this man?"

"Kill him!" she answered

I felt a giant sweat drop on the side of my head...I mean are they serious? But then again I shouldn't be surprised as they're suspected of several counts of unprovoked attacks on men for the past decades. Something's definitely wrong with those people, I wonder where they got it from?

As they started to move in on me, I prepared to defend myself when one of them said, "So you're going to hit us? What a shame you pig!"

Then I said, "I'm going to defend myself, what's wrong with that?"

"Men should never hit women!"

"Even in self-defense?"

"Shut up!"

Then a butch looking woman came and said, "I know you're bluffing, you won't dare to hit us you pi-"

"So hows that?" I said

Soon the butch woman wiped the blood off her nose and learned that she's bleeding!

"Y-you...you hit me!" she screamed

"Yeah, so?"

"You men are worst than I though...you're even worst than Hitler!"

"Wait what?"

"Even Tojo's more le-"

I delivered a small jump kick right to her face, knocking her down to the ground in which she began to writhe in pain. Afterward I turned and saw a "For Sale!" picket on the lawn which I would then pluck it off the ground, flip the butch feminazi over, and shove the sign right down into her rectum. Then I looked up and saw several of her friends or colleagues (whatever) staring at me in disgust and horror. Happy at the reaction I just received, I proceed to crack my knuckles and twitch my neck on each side in order to loosen up.

"I'm just warming up!" I said

I have to admit, I was a bit uncomfortable on hitting women. When it comes to that, I'm a bit envious of tyke bombs because while they went through a huge deal since birth, at least they don't have much qualm on attacking someone, especially in self-defense (Besides, it's not like some would show up and disagree). So I did what Chris Tucker did in that movie, I pretended that they're men...very ugly and effeminate looking men. Unfortunately after picturing them as such, I nearly threw up...it's as disgusting as imagining Justin Bieber wearing a bikini.

"Forget that!" I said

Then someone grabbed me by the back of my coat and said, "I'll take care of this!"

I looked and it's a teenage girl wearing somewhat revealing outfit, kinda like something out of anime.

"Isn't it cold out there?" I asked

Then she said, "If you attack them, it'll help their cause, I'll take care of them myself as they have been causing trouble in my world!"

Alternate universe...this is getting weird although I've seen weirder.

Then soon there's a light flashing and I suddenly woke up in the hotel room...what a weird dream!

I really need to lay off anime for sometime...

Later that morning, I went to that high school disguising myself as a student again and do what I had been doing for sometime. After killing sometime in the cafeteria and even attended couple of classes while sitting in the back of the room so the teacher won't notice. I was on my way out when a balding man in his 50s showed up right in front of me and said, "You need to come with me young man!"

"Why? What did I do?" I said

"First of all, I have never seen you around before and not to mention you have also been missing for several days as well!"

"I was sick,"

"Then explain why you didn't appear until few weeks ago?"

"What made you believe that I just snuck in here? I mean there's no way you could have kept track of everyone in this school!"

"Our security have checked the camera and the staff went on to search for a student matching your description, not to mention the cameras have also shown you doing the same thing every time you're here,"

"Some students could have plastic surgery, no one stays the sa-"

"Cut the crap! Come with me and we'll get this cleared up if there's a mistake!"

After a while we're at the office when the principal then came and said, "There's no record of someone named Andrew Lau being admitted into this school, care to explain?"

"You need to check again, someone could have lost it som-"

"Enough of this, who are you kid?"

"I'm a student of this school,"

"No you're not, keep this up I'm going to call the security!"


Once he picked up the phone to call the security, I went over to the desk and picked up a stapler. After loading it up with some staples, principal then said, "What are you doing? Put that stapler down!"

"Why?" I said

"Just put that thing down, someone could get hurt!"

"Oh someone's gonna get hurt alright!"

Then few minutes later, the security came and to their horror, I point the stapler right at them.

"Calm down, put that stapler down..." one of the said

"We can talk this over, don't do something you might regret!" said the other

With that I took the principal hostage and point the stapler to his face.

"You better let us through or this guy gets it!" I said

The security guards then moves aside and I shoved the principal right at them before making my escape. I ran down the hall and head for the entrance where several security guards blocks the door only to be knocked down by my bull rush.

"You can't catch me assholes! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!"

I then head toward the street but it was clogged by several cars due to some accident that happened to my chagrin. Knowing the security guards are hot on my tail, I jumped right onto the car and proceeds to hop from one vehicle to another until I made it to the other side.

"Finally, now t-"

"You're not getting away, Omar, get him!"

I turned and saw one of the guards pushing the vehicles out of the way...wait what?

"What is he? The Hulk?" I said

I made a run for it and after a while I had to stop to catch a breath. Seeing that Omar also stopped as well, he stood there and said, "Just give it up, you can never outrun me!"

"Hell no!" I said

"Very well then, time to feel the pain!"

I went to try to punch him but then Omar picked me up by the head and threw me onto the hood of someone's car, shattering every windshield.

"Guess that's it!" he said

He was about to walk away when I got up and said, "I don't see no bell!"

He turns and said, "It's 'hear' not 'see', also I'm surprised that you can still stand, guess I'll have to take this one seriously!"

I ran toward Omar to deliver a flying kick to his neck. After hitting the mark, he begins to rub his neck and said, "You know, my neck have been a bit stiff...thank you for the massage!"

Stunned by Omar's invulnerability, I tried to trip him up with my low kick but he jumped out of the way.

"There's no way you can win, give it up!" he said

I picked up a shard of glass from a broken windshield and threw it with all my might, but he caught it and ate the glass. Without thinking, I charge right directly at Omar to deliver multiple kicks to his head but nothing fazed him. Soon he grabbed me by the throat and picked me up before saying, "This is it, I had fun but...it must end!"

Then I poked him right in the eyes, causing him to let go and dropped me to the ground. He was screaming and I took a chance to make a run for it, knowing that there's no way I can beat this guy in a fight. After running several blocks, there's a "Staples" building right in front and I decided to hide there for a while. Omar who recovered tried to give chase but for some reason he wouldn't enter the store so you can guess what happens afterward.

"Screw this, they're not paying me enough for me to do this!" he said and left

Actually he didn't say that, just something I threw in but yeah...

After being thrown out of the store by one of the staff members who said, "Next time you come here, buy something!", I went to a gift shop to check things out. I entered the store and on the shelves were realistic looking dolls of kids. Granted some people would think it's adorable but personally, I thought they're creepy...

"Hello, how may i help you?"

I turned and saw an old lady...

"Is there something you want?" she asked

I said, "Not really, I'm just checking to see if there's something interesting,"

"That's okay, take your time!"


"Now I'll go and check to see if my cookies are ready, would you like some?"

"Okay I guess..."

"Wait right here, it may take a while,"

Then she went to the stairs right next to the entrance.

"Guess the store is also her home," I said to myself

After waiting for several minutes, I went to check out one of the dolls on the shelves and noticed something's up. These dolls...tears were streaming down from their faces...

"Some kind of new models?" I said

Then I began to hear some voices...





"What the hell?" I said

I touched the dolls and they're warm...so out of morbid curiosity I lift the shirt of a doll of a girl dressed up as a nurse and felt her up.


"Whoa, something's up alright!" I said




I turn to the stairs and heard the old lady coming down. Determined to know what was going on, I waiting for her until she returned from the second floor where I went to confront her about the matter, being that it's a delicate situation, I decide to try not to overdo it.

"What's with these dolls? They're crying and I can hear them talking to me!" I yelled

Soon the innocent kindly smile on the old woman's face changed into a grin and said, "Oh so you found me out,"

"Who are you?"

"Kids disappear from time to time and some were never seen again...some were gone for decades and were never found alive!"

"So you're a...what are you?"

"I hate adults coming to interfere with my business, people like you should be taught a lesson!"

Then she reached into her jacket and took out her wand but before she could use it, I kicked it out of her hand.

"You're a bit smarter than I thought, but this time you won't be very luc-stay away from my wand," she said as I dove for the wand

I took the wand and said, "Why should I? Time for a taste of your own medicine!"

Frightened, she went to shield herself as I tried to cast a spell on her only to realize it doesn't work...

"Um...crucio? Stupefy...avada kedavra...damn it!"

Yeah I learned something new today, magics do not work like they do on Harry Potter.

"Time for plan B!"

I snapped the wand in half.

Soon the old witch started to scream and in a bright flash of light, she turned to stone. Few seconds later the statue that used to be what I thought was a kindly old lady who turned out to be an evil witch blew up and what's left are dusts.

"Well, I guess she got stoned!" I said

The dolls began to disappear one by one until there's none left, I'm guessing that they're freed from the curse. After a long day, I went back to the hotel where I would go on to take a rest.

I really hope those kids would finally reunite with their families although good number of the won't sadly...well it could have been worse. There's one thing that bothers me, why is Omar afraid to go into Staples? It's pretty weird.

