Hey everyone, this is SlntCobra1 sitting in for Idiot-Finder. I'm in charge of his postings until he's back from China.
I was out for a walk to cool down a bit after the Yankees lost the extra-inning game against the Blue Jays. The worst part of the loss is that it could have been won had the offense cashed in at the 4th inning where they load the bases with no out. Seriously how the hell do you not score a single run from an opportunity like this? It's really frustrating.
After walking for several blocks, I saw something happening at the local grocery. With that I went to see what was going on. Once I went in, to my surprise it...Superboy Prime! For some reason he's holding up the store...
"Nobody move! Do that and I'll kill you all to death, I mean it!" he said
Unsurprisingly, everyone laughed at what he just said. It's the dumbest thing I have ever heard since Bob Raissman of the Daily News claimed that the hitters with home run totals ahead of A-Rod are clean (Really? Barry Bonds is clean?).
"Hey you're Superman Prime, can I have your autograph?" I said
"It's Superboy Prime you retard, GET IT RIGHT!" he yelled
"Whatever stupid asshole,"
"Fuck you, I'll fuck you to death!"
None of us in the start were able to take his threat seriously and we all laughed except for Superboy Prime whose face starts to turn red.
"That's it, I'm going to punch through reality!" he said
"Again?" I said
"I'm not kidding, I'm gonna do it!"
Then he begins to power up and starts yelling "I'LL PUNCH IT! I'LL PUNCH IT TO SHATTER!"
Everyone face palmed...
Then I took a pepper spray from a shelf and blind him with it. Soon he starts screaming and flies into some random direction. After I came home, there's a news report on that some super-powered cry baby got locked up in the insane asylum designed for super powered nutcases. Well, that showed him I guess...
lol so randum XD