After that incident with a mechanical cat Doraemon, next morning I got up to enjoy the day. I took that mini-propeller, stuck it to my head and flew to what's left of Shea Stadium to see what was going on. After landing, I decided to have a tour for myself when a goofy looking mascot of the New York Mets came and confront me.
"Hey, you're not supposed to be here!" said Mr. Met
Noticing his enormous head, I said "Are you on steroids?"
"What if I am? What ya gonna do about punk?" he said as he shoves me
Angry at that stupid mascot's swelled up ego which happens to be a result of roid rage, I shoved him back
Angrily Mr. Met tries to beat me with a baseball bat, but however I caught the bat and disamed him. Soon afterwards I went and proceed to beat him to a bloody pulp until his head deflated to the point it became a regular sized baseball. After that I took a baseball off his body and some kid shows up asking me "Can I play?" thinking I'm a player for the Mets
"Sure, ya gotta bereave" I said
After playing some catch, the kid became a brat screaming "You throw like a girl" (Truth to be told, I do have a weak throwing arm) and "Can't you go a day without dropping a ball, you suck!"
Annoyed, I said "Kid, go deep 'cause I'll show you something"
"What you sissy?" he said angrily while doing as told
There I punt the ball and amazingly it lined so far that it...hits someone's window, as the alarm rang I put the propeller back on my head and flew off
Some times later I was watching the news and saw the kid got arrested for breaking a window
Sometimes I just read your posts in the b/p thread and I just wonder what you're on. Never know if it's fact or fiction but you certainly have a way with words =P
Doraemon have been around for 40 years and still no one get the reference, it's funny how way things work.